  • 學位論文


The learning wills and learning effect of the junior high cram school students in Taipei

指導教授 : 方炎明


論文摘要 本研究旨在探討國中補校學生學習意願、學習成效之關係與現況,並剖析不同背景變項在學習意願與學習成效上的差異情形,且探究學習意願對學習成效的預測力,根據研究發現、提出建議以供教育行政機關、國民中學補校、國民中學補校教師以及未來相關研究的參考。 本研究兼採文獻分析法、問卷調查法及訪談法,根據研究目的、待答問題及文獻探討編製「國民中學補校學生學習意願與學習成效相關研究問卷」然後以台北市十一所國中補校學生為對象,進行問卷,調查結果經由卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、雙因子變異數分析等統計方法,加以處理分析,依據統計結果及訪談獲的下列結論與建議: 一、不同學習計劃的國中補校學生在學習意願上並無顯著差異,而在學習成效上卻有顯著差異。 二、不同年齡的國中補校學生在學習意願上有顯著差異,在學習成就上無顯著差異 三、對教育行政機關的建議: (一) 規劃前瞻的補校教育政策達成學校社區化、社區學校化的理念 (二) 設計多元、多樣國中補校課程,以適應不同對象的學習需求,提高國中補校學生的學習意願 。 (三) 改善國中補校學生評量方式,以加強學習成效。 (四) 建立國中補校乃是推動社區成人教育活動關鍵角色的共同理念。 (五) 善用各行政區之國民中學補校,以達成終生學習和社區整體營造。 (六) 補校師資人力資源體系的建立 四、對補校主任、教師的建議:重視學生個別差異 五、對未來研究的建議: 分別就研究方法、研究樣本及研究變項等方面對未來的研究提出建議。 (一) 質與量的研究方法並重。 (二) 擴大樣本的選取範圍。 (三) 學習成效可考量其成績。


Abstract The research focus on the condition and relationship of learning will and learning effect of the current cram school students. We want to figure out the students learning wills and effect in different background. And how the forecast of learning wills to learning effect. According to the final analysis, we make some proposes to the educational administrative department of the bureaus, junior high cram school, teachers of cram school and the following research. After processing the data mining(conference analysis, questionnaire survey and interview survey), we design the questionnaire about the learning wills and attitude of the cram school students, and the targets are the students belongs to 11 junior high cram schools in Taipei City. And we use several kinds of Statistics methods such like Chi-Square Test, Analysis of Variance(ANOVA) to analyze data, and get the conclusions as following: 1. There is no significant difference in learning will with different learning plan; but when it comes to leaning effect, it is in contrast. We divided students into several groups first: the group of willing to enter high school, the group of not willing to enter high school and the group of others uncertainty. And we found out that the first group had the lowest learning effect. The result shows that they didn’t get help through the teaching lessons. And it might be the question of not containing the grades of common subjects. The other two groups could also confirm the value of junior high cram school after taking the classes. 2. There is no significant difference in learning effect with different ages students; but when it comes to leaning wills, it is in contrast. Students in different ages have significant difference in learning wills. The youngsters who are discontinue schooling have the strong learning wills. And the elder ones who are housewife also have the strong wills to get growing up themselves. Therefore, the diversity lessons of cram school are the future planning topics. We make the following proposes to the related organizations: 1. To the educational administrative department of the bureaus A. To plan the advanced police of cram school to attend the targets “the school as community and the community as school”. B. To diversify the lessons of cram school to promote students learning attitude. C. To improve the way of examination to enhance the learning effect. D. To advance the key players of adults social education. E. To promote the all life learning and to reconstruct the community. F. To build the human resource construction of teachers in cram school. 2. To the manager and teachers of junior high cram school A. To consider the individual differences of students. 3. To the following research We make the proposes about the research methods, samples and variables: A. To consider both of the quality and quantity on the research methods. B. To broaden the samples scope. C. To consider grades as the learning effect index. 下列名詞待確定: 國中補校:junior high cram school 繼續升學組:the group of willing to enter high school 不想升學組:the group of not willing to enter high school 未確定組:the group of uncertainty 社區學校化:“the school as community and the community as school”. 終身學習:all life learning 社區整體營造:reconstruct the community 樣本範圍:samples scope 中輟生:discontinue schooling 自我成長:growing up themselve Chi-Square Test, Analysis of Variance(ANOVA) questionnaire survey interview survey significant difference


黃富順(民81)台灣地區成人教育的現況與發展趨勢 成人教育第七期
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