  • 學位論文


A University-School Partnership Approach to Promote Integrating Technology into Teaching Social Studies in a Middle School

指導教授 : 吳正己


本研究以大學與國中合作的方式促進電腦融入社會科教學,希望能瞭解此種合作方式的成效及各項影響因素。研究透過問卷調查、教師訪談、參與觀察及錄音、錄影的方式蒐集資料,並加以分析。合作分為兩階段進行,第一階段主要目的是瞭解並增進國中社會科教師的電腦知能,進而實施電腦融入教學的活動。進行的活動包括:座談會、教師電腦研習、及電腦融入教材製作與教學。第二階段則延續第一階段,繼續實施電腦融入社會科之教學活動,並藉由教師製作教材之需求,增強其電腦知能。 研究發現社會科教師之電腦知能有明顯的進步,主要是透過實際製作電腦融入教材的方式學習而成。教師們相互觀摩電腦融入教學的實施,使得其對於電腦融入教學有更正面的態度。而教師們經由製作電腦融入教材及實施教學經驗不斷地累積,製作的教材品質愈來愈佳,實施教學也愈來愈得心應手。在影響合作成效的因素中方面,合作共識的建立與參與意願的提升則有待加強。


The purposes of this study are to evaluate the effectiveness of using a university-school partnership approach to promote computer integrated instruction in social studies and to investigate factors that affect the partnership. The major participants include a professor and two graduate students from ICE and ten social studies teachers from the school. Discussion forum, computer training sessions, questionnaire survey, instructional materials development, and field teaching were organized for the participating teachers in order to collect research data. It was found that the partnership was helpful in promoting the teachers to create and to use computer integrated materials in the school. The experience of creating and using computer materials as well as interacting with colleagues also made the participating teacher become more confident in technology integration. The consensus on the goals of the partnership between the university and the school, and the teachers’ willingness for participation in the project were the two major factors which affected the success of the partnership.


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