  • 學位論文


Investigation of Vertical Jumping Patterns in Young Adults with Down Syndrome

指導教授 : 林曼蕙


本研究之目的是在探討唐氏症青年的垂直跳動作型式之發展層次,並探討影響其垂直跳躍型式的因素。本研究以12名中度智能不足之唐氏症青年(平均年齡18.0±1.7歲)為研究對象,測驗垂直跳動作並分析最大跳躍之動作型式發展層次,以及測驗其身體質量指數、髖、膝、踝關節活動度、手握力及腿肌力,並電話訪談受試者家長,瞭解課餘身體活動情形。測驗所得資料以百分比次數統計及斯皮爾曼等級相關等統計方法處理後,結果發現:(1) 唐氏症青年的垂直跳躍動作型式仍停留在較不成熟的發展層次,最主要出現的動作型式在手、腿、軀幹動作分別為第二、第二及第三層次,且有型式內的差異存在。(2)唐氏症青年垂直跳躍腿部及軀幹動作型式的發展層次越成熟,跳躍高度越高,而手部動作型式的發展層次則與垂直跳躍高度較無明顯相關。(3) 唐氏症青年垂直跳躍動作型式之發展層次與肌力大小有關,腿肌力越大者腿部動作及軀幹動作型式越成熟,手肌力越大者手部動作型式越成熟,其他項目如體重、身體質量指數、關節活動度等則和垂直跳躍動作型式之發展層次較無相關。(4) 運動經驗,尤其是從事需運用垂直跳動作技巧的運動項目,可增進垂直跳躍動作型式發展層次。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of vertical jumping patterns in young adults with Down syndrome and the factors influencing vertical jumping pattern. Twelve Down syndrome young adults with middle mental retardation (mean age =18.0±1.7 years) served as participants. Participants were required to perform the highest vertical jump, and movement patterns were video recorded and analyzed. BMI, grip strength, leg strength and range of motion of hips, knees and ankles ere measured, participation’s parents were interviewed to understand the physical activities after schools. The experimental data were processed with statistical methods of Spearman Rank Correlation to investigate the factors influencing vertical jumping patterns. The results were as follows: (1) Vertical jumping patterns of young adults with Down syndrome were immature. The major leg movement pattern was at levelⅡ, the arm movement pattern was at levelⅡ, and the body movement pattern was at levelⅢ. There were intrapattern different in vertical jumping patterns of young adults with Down syndrome. (2) The higher level of leg and body movement patterns of young adults with Down syndrome, the higher vertical jumping height. There were no significant correlation between the level of arm movement pattern and the jumping height. (3) The stronger of leg strength, the higher level of leg movement pattern and body movement pattern. The stronger of arm strength, the higher level of arm movement pattern. There were no significant correlations between the levels of movement pattern and the rest of test items. (4) Full movement experiences may improve the level of vertical jumping patterns, particularly in the skill of vertical jump.


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