  • 學位論文


To examine the strategies of National Alliance for rescuing Chi-lan Formosan Cedar Forest in Rescue Chi-lan Formosan Cedar Forest Movement by social marketing theory

指導教授 : 周儒


本研究嘗試以社會行銷理論分析全國搶救棲蘭檜木林聯盟(以下簡稱救林聯盟)在搶救棲蘭檜木林運動(以下簡稱救林運動)過程中的策略運用,探究救林運動當時的社會行銷情況、社會產品目的、社會行銷策略與社會行銷計畫控制等等,接著研究者將從一些成就指標檢視救林運動的社會行銷成效。 研究者分析了1998年6月至1999年4月的救林運動,發現1998年12月的社會動員期是關鍵時期,因此本研究以救林運動的社會動員期作為分析社會行銷策略運用的研究範疇。 本研究深入探究救林聯盟在廢止枯立倒木整理作業上的策略運用,屬於個案研究。研究方法以文件分析法為主,輔以研究者非正式訪談救林聯盟的工作人員。文件分析所用的文件包括救林聯盟的會議記錄、公文、新聞稿、文章論述、與報紙新聞報導等書面資料。 救林運動的主要目標是廢止枯立倒木整理作業,而社會動員期救林運動的社會產品目的是〝全國搶救棲蘭檜木林〞,救林聯盟希望全國社會大眾能夠連署搶救棲蘭檜木林,並參與「為森林而走」大遊行,以及「為森林守夜祈福」等全國性的救林行動,以展現全民搶救棲蘭檜木林的民意,欲藉輿論壓力而廢止枯立倒木整理作業。 在社會行銷策略方面,就目標對象區隔而言,救林聯盟採取的是大眾行銷的方式;就行銷組合而言,救林聯盟的產品為〝搶救台灣珍稀孓遺、身繫國土保安、百年伐木營林後僅存的棲蘭扁柏檜木純林區〞。救林聯盟將其產品訴求做適當的包裝後,配合為目標對象減少參與支持救林運動時所需付出的時間成本,然後整合性地運用各種行銷傳播策略,經由各類大眾傳播媒體、特殊媒體、以及人際傳播的配銷管道盡量地將救林運動的訴求傳達給廣大的社會大眾。 在社會行銷計畫控制方面,救林聯盟在社會動員期救林運動開始後,每星期召開一次會議商討救林運動各項行動的進度,並因應運動中新出現的危機與轉機而調整救林行動。 從報紙報導內容、讀者投書內容、社會大眾響應救林運動的情形、與政府回應綜合檢視救林聯盟在社會動員期救林運動中的社會行銷成效,顯示社會動員期救林運動的社會行銷成效良好。


The objectives of this reseach are to examine the strategies of National Alliance for Rescuing Chi-lan Formosan Cedar Forest(NARCFCF) in Rescue Chi-lan Formosan Cedar Forest Movement(RCFCFM) by social marketing theory, to understand its social marketing conditions, social marketing product objectives, social marketing strategies, and the control of social marketing plan. In the end, reseacher try to discuss whether RCFCFM was successful of not. After analyzing the history of RCFCFM, motivate-general-public period in 1998 December was the key period of RCFCFM between 1998 July and 1999 April. Therefore the motivate-general-public period of RCFCFM is the period that this research try to discuss its social marketing strategies. This research is aimed at figuring out the strategies of NARCFCF to stop the operations of collecting Formosan Cedar dead woods on Chi-lan Mountain, so it’s a case study. The research method of this study is mainly documentary analysis. Also, researcher interviewed the crews of NARCFCF. The documents of this research included meeting records, official documents, and news releases of NARCFCF, and newspaper reports. The main goal of RCFCFM between 1998 July and 1999 April is to stop the operations of collecting Formosan Cedar dead woods on Chi-lan Mountain. The social product objective of motivate-general-public period of RCFCFM was making the whole general public to rescue Chi-lan Formosan Cedar Forest. NARCFCF hoped the general public could stand for RCFCFM by signing their names and attending actions to show the desire of the citizenry to rescue Chi-lan Formosan Cedar Forest in order to stop the operations of collecting Formosan Cedar dead woods on Chi-lan Mountain. As far as the strategies of NARCFCF are concerned, when it comes to the target audience segment, NARCFCF adopted a mass marketing. When it comes to the marketing mix, the product was “Rescuing the most valuable Chi-lan Formosan Cedar Forest which can protect our life and which is the only left pure Formosan Cedar forest after years of lumbering”. After packaging its product appropriately and trying to reduce time inconvenience of the general public, NARCFCF used integrated marketing communication skills and distribution channels such as mass media, special media, and interpersonal communication. As far as the control of social marketing plan is concerned, NARCFCF had meetings once a week in motivate-general-public period of RCFCFM to examine the progress of rescuing actions and adjust actions according to the new opportunities and threats. From the contents of reports and articles on letters column of newspapers, and the general public and government respondences to RCFCFM, we can say that social markeitng outcome of motivate-general-public period of RCFCFM was good.




