  • 學位論文


Constructivism and Second Language Learning: A Web-Based Reading-Writing Activity

指導教授 : 林至誠博士


本研究旨在研究學習者在英語學習情境下的知識建構過程,並以建構論、閱讀研究與教學、電腦輔助語言教學、與資訊處理過程等為理論架構,提出一個符合英語學習者知識發展的網路讀寫活動。研究重點為(1)網路閱讀過程、(2)資訊留存與獲得情形、與(3)研究參與者對此活動的看法。 本研究發現如下: (1)網路閱讀過程方面:參與者傾向使用高階層閱讀策略,並注重對網路文章整體性的瞭解。 (2)資訊留存與獲得情形方面:參與者傾向記得網路文章中主要的資訊,而較不記得輔助性及瑣碎的資訊。從對網路閱讀過程以及資訊留存與獲得的討論中,更進一步的發現本研究的網路讀寫活動能有效促使學習者在閱讀活動中對資訊的追求,而資訊的追求可視為知識建構的第一步。 (3)參與者對此活動的看法方面:參與者大多對此活動及網路學習抱持高度的認同及讚賞,她們認為經由此活動不僅能獲得知識,也能增進英語能力。 最後,研究者根據本研究的發現,具體提出對教學上與研究上的建議。


A web-based reading-writing activity, based on the idea of “reading for knowledge development,” was designed and implemented to investigate the process of knowledge construction in an English learning setting. Specific research focuses were the participants’ web-based reading process, their information retention and gaining, and their perceptions of the activity and the WWW as a learning environment. Ten female freshpersons were invited as the participants in the study. Instruments, such as recalls, free writing protocols, questionnaires, and interviews, were adopted to collect data for analysis. The results showed that in this web-based activity the participants were involved in global reading process and tended to use high-level reading strategies to read for main information of the texts. Analysis of their retained information also revealed that main idea units were found to be retrieved more than supporting ideas or details. Reading for main information, thus, was identified as the effect of the activity and viewed as the preliminary phase for knowledge construction. As for participants’ feedback, positive attitudes were shown. Most of them were satisfied with their learning in this activity, particularly on knowledge development and improvement of English abilities. Most participants believed that they benefited from this activity, the WWW, and interactions with the partners. Navigating on the WWW to understand more about their chosen countries and chatting to exchange ideas with partners were further stated as the two pleasantest experiences they had throughout the activity. In conclusion, concrete pedagogical implications and suggestions for further research were provided.


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