  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 吳麗娟博士


中文摘要 本研究的主要目的在探討「理情U型自尊」團體方案對國小低自尊兒童之自尊、理性思考、情緒智力的影響。本研究的研究對象取自台北縣秀朗國小五年級低自尊兒童,共38位受試者,並將之隨機分配為實驗組和控制組。實驗組進行每次四十分鐘,每週一次,為期十二週的「理情U型自尊」團體方案,研究者擔任團體帶領者;控制組在研究期間不接受任何處理,而於研究結束後,參與由研究者所帶領的「理情U型自尊」團體課程。 本研究以「兒童自我態度量表」(測自尊)、「兒童理性觀念測驗」(測理情知識習得)、「兒童信念量表」(測非理性信念)及「兒童情緒思維自陳量表」(測情緒智力)為評量工具,所有的受試者進行前測與後測的評量,並分別以量表前測的分數為共變項,以「獨立樣本單因子單變項共變數分析」的統計方法,排除因前測得分不同而影響研究結果的差異,來考驗研究假設。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、「理情U型自尊」團體方案對於提昇「整體自尊」及「身體自尊」、「社會自尊」、「家庭自尊」、「學業自尊」、「一般自尊」之效果並不顯著。 二、「理情U型自尊」團體方案對提昇低自尊兒童理性思考的效果 (一)「理情U型自尊」團體方案對提昇低自尊兒童理情知識有顯著的效果。 (二)「理情U型自尊」團體方案對減少低自尊兒童的非理性信念有顯著的效果。 (三)「理情U型自尊」團體方案對減少「受挫反應」及「過度焦慮」二個非理性信念有顯著的效果。 (四) 「理情U型自尊」團體方案對於減少「認可需求」、「高自我期許」、「責備傾向」、「情緒外控」、「逃避問題」、「改變的無助感」、「依賴」及「完美主義」等八個非理性信念之效果並不顯著。 三、「理情U型自尊」團體方案對於提昇「情緒智力」、「自我情緒智力」及「人際情緒智力」之效果並不顯著。 四、從成員的回饋中發現,成員認為在團體中能較自在的說話,情緒上比較快樂,並能提供情緒上的體驗、知識上的學習及人際關係上的觀察與學習,顯示團體對於成員有正向的影響。 最後,研究者根據研究結果加以討論,並且進一步提出「理情U型自尊」團體方案在應用上及未來研究上的建議。


There are two major purposes of this study:(1) developing and applying Wu's self-esteem group program to a children's group,(2)assessing the effectiveness of Wu's self-esteem group program with small groups with low self-esteem children in the areas of self-esteem, rational thinking and emotional intelligence. Participants were 38 fifth grade students of an elementary school in Taiwan,with problems in low self-esteem, assigned randomly to the treatment group and the control group. The treatment group (N=19) participated in the Wu's self-esteem group program. It had twelve sessions in twelve weeks, 40 minutes each session. The control group (N=19) received no treatment. The treatment program was a modified version of Wu's counseling courses. The Wu's Counseling Courses, which were designed to accord with typicalTaiwanese students' problems, was developed by a professor and therapist in Taiwan. It is theoretically based on Rational-Emotive-Behavioral therapy, Personal-Centered therapy, and Interpersonal Process in Psychotherapy. Specifically, the program contains (1) the "Rational-Emotive-Behavioral Model" that emphasizes the ways to change students' emotion by changing their view of their problems, (2) the "U Model" that emphasizes the importance of solving their problem by accepting their emotions, (3)the "Self-Esteem Model" that emphasizes the basic mental health principle that children need to learn how to like themselves. All Participants received the pretest and the posttest with the Children Self Attitude Scale , a measure of self-esteem, the Children Rational Belief Test ,a measure of content acquisition , the Children Belief Scale, a measure of irrational ideas ,and the Self-Report Scale of Children's Emotional Thinking, a measure of emotional intelligence. One-way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) with the pretest used as a covariance was used to test the hypotheses. The findings in the present study were as follow: 1. There were no significant differences between the treatment group and the control group in the self-esteem. 2. The treatment group showed higher rational knowledge and lower irrational beliefs than did the control group. 3. There were no significant differences between the treatment group and the control group in emotional intelligence. 4. Feedbacks from participants indicated that they felt they could talk much more freely and emotionally were happier while they were in the groups, implying that there was a positive influence on participants' subjective perception of emotional acceptance, intellectual learning, and interpersonal experiences. The results of the study and application of the program were discussed, and suggestions for future research were proposed at the final.




