  • 學位論文


A Research of Visual Cryptography on XML Platform

指導教授 : 葉耀明


由於網際網路的快速成長,近年XML成為網際網路相當重要的技術標準。然而有關XML平台的安全研究目前還是未成熟,無法提供XML平台各種應用有關訊息安全的需求。在本研究當中,我們針對目前網際網路上的XML技術平台提出一個訊息安全模式。在此我們稱它為X-Secure,它最主要具備了下列三點特色。(1) 加入視覺密碼學於XML文件加密技術中,補足了XML加密語法所缺乏的秘密分享機制 (2) 提出一種結合資訊隱藏與視覺密碼學的編碼方式,稱為混合式加密法,可以同時讓人眼與電腦進行辨認與解密 (3) 本系統實作在XML技術平台上,其結合PKI與Kerberos以提供一個分散式加密通訊協定的環境。


With the rapid-growing popularity of Internet, XML (Extensible Markup Language) becomes an important technical standard on World Wide Web. But the research of security on XML platform is not matured yet which can not provide necessary message security mechanism on Internet. In our research, we propose a secure information exchanging model which is called “X-Secure”. It has three main features. (1) By combining Visual Cryptography and XML Encryption Syntax, it provides the secure sharing mechanism which XML Encryption Syntax lacks. (2) We propose a novel encryption scheme (which is) called “Hybrid Encryption” and the scheme enables both men and computers to recognize the cipher text (which is) encrypted by Visual Cryptography. (3) Our Scheme includes PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) and Kerberos which provides a distributed security communication protocol on XML platform.


[1]林祝興、李正隆、 簡睿成,”應用視覺式祕密分享的安全線上交談軟體之製作”, 東海科學,第二卷,民國八十九年七月,東海大學,頁43-53
[2]Ross J. Anderson, E. Biham, and L. Knudsen, “Serpent,” First Advanced Encryption Standard Candidate Conference, August 1998.
Available as http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/serpent.html
[3]G. Ateniese, C.Blundo, A. De Santis and D.R. Stinson, “Visual Cryptography for General Access Structures,” Information and Computation, Vol. 129, No. 2, 1996, pp.86-106.
[5]G. Ateniese, C. Blundo, A. De Santis, and D. R. Stinson “Extended Schemes for Visual Cryptography”.


