  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 劉潔心博士


摘要 本研究主要目的在發展一套有效的網路愛滋病預防教育課程,並進一步探討其介入效果及學生對該課程的評價。 本研究採準實驗設計之『實驗組對照組前測後測設計』,以北市福和國中與永和國中二年級各四班的學生為研究對象。實驗組接受二週的『網際網路愛滋病預防教育介入計畫』,而對照組則不接受任何實驗處理。研究工具分為兩種,包括1. 前後測成效問卷2. 媒體過程評量問卷。經前後測資料比對後,扣除無效問卷,最後有效人數198人(實驗組115人,對照組83人)。研究者在介入前一週均接受前測施測,後測則於介入活動後一週內進行。所得資料以卡方檢定、配對t檢定、單因子共變數分析等進行分析,所得重要結果如下: 一、愛滋病預防教育網頁介入後,實驗組學生「愛滋病預防知識」的後測得分高於前測且達顯著差異。 二、愛滋病預防教育網頁介入後,實驗組學生「愛滋病預防態度」的後測得分高於前測,但未達到顯著差異。 三、愛滋病預防教育網頁介入後,實驗組學生「愛滋病預防自我效能」的後測得分高於前測且達顯著差異。 四、愛滋病預防教育網頁介入後,實驗組學生「愛滋病預防行為意向」的後測得分高於前測且達顯著差異。 五、愛滋病預防教育網頁介入後,在控制前測得分下,實驗組學生「愛滋病預防知識」的後測得分高於對照組且達統計顯著差異。 六、愛滋病預防教育網頁介入後,在控制前測得分下,實驗組學生「愛滋病預防態度」的後測得分高於對照組且達統計顯著差異。 七、愛滋病預防教育網頁介入後,在控制前測得分下,實驗組學生「愛滋病預防自我效能」的後測得分高於對照組且達統計顯著差異。 八、愛滋病預防教育網頁介入後,實驗組學生「愛滋病預防行為意向」的後測得分高於對照組且達統計顯著差異。 九、實驗組對愛滋病預防教育介入網頁的滿意情形,整體而言,至少有九成的人表示喜歡此網頁,近八成的學生認為本研究所設計的網頁能幫助他更瞭解愛滋病預防的知識、能幫助其建立更積極的愛滋病預防態度、能使其更有信心去採行愛滋病預防行為,且有高達八成以上的學生認為他會大部分會照著網頁教導的去做,並在未來的生活中實踐。 根據本研究結果,建議未來在發展網路愛滋病預防教育課程時,應結合衛生教育、電腦工程及美術設計等專業,並根據理性行動論、溝通說服理論、行為改變準備度量表及社會認知理論來進行訊息轉換及發展,透過此互動式的教育方式,將可引發學生之學習動機,對學生愛滋病預防教育必有果效。


Abstract The purposes of this study were to develop an effective Internet AIDS prevention program, to determine the effectiveness of the educational intervention, and to evaluate students’ acceptance of the program. Quasi-experimental method was used to explore the effect of the two-week campaign on junior high school students。 Fuho junior high school (experimental group) and Yong-Ho junior high school (control group) in Taipei were selected as the subjects. The instruments included pre/post questionnaires of effectiveness evaluation of the program and process evaluation questionnaires of the media. There were 198 students who finished the pre-test and the post-test questionnaires (115 students for the experimental group and 83 students for the control group). The pre-test was held in one week before intervention, and the post-test was held within one week after intervention. The statistics methods included Chi-square test, Paired t-test, one-way ANCOVA for paired observations. The major results were as follows: 1.In the experimental group, the mean scores of knowledge, self-efficacy and intention about AIDS prevention in the post-test of the experimental group were better than the scores in the pre-test, and their differences were significant. 2.The mean scores of knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy and intention about AIDS prevention in the post-test of the experimental group were better than the scores in the control group, and their differences were significant. 3.At least 90% of the students felt satisfactory about the format, educational contents and effects of the Internet campaign. In addition, most students think this intervention was very helpful to enhance their knowledge, to build their active attitude, and to have much confidence of AIDS prevention. Finally, 80% of the students expressed their willingness to follow the directions of the program in the near future. According to the findings of this study, some recommendations for the future AIDS prevention program were brought up: health educators should work together with computer engineers and cartoonists to create AIDS prevention programs. Besides, the using of the Reasoned Action Theory, Communication-Persuasion Theory, Readiness Scale for Behavior Change and social cognitive theory in planning interactive AIDS prevension programs will trigger off students’ learning motivations, and their effectiveness was proved.




