  • 學位論文


Factors Affecting the Careers of Female Executives in Banking

指導教授 : 余鑑


本研究主要在探討影響銀行業女性主管職場生涯之個人因素與環境因素。研究者以文獻探討後所編製之訪談大綱,採用個案研究,以半結構式訪談法,訪談八位分別任職於本國舊銀行、本國新銀行以及外商銀行之女性主管。 分析訪談資料所得之研究發現如下: 壹、影響銀行業女性主管職場生涯之個人因素 一、 女性溫柔、耐心、細心、喜歡與人接觸以及為對方著想等特質,使女性主管在屬於服務業性質的銀行業能如魚得水,獲得更大的發揮。 二、 女性主管對金融相關知識的興趣促使她們在工作上更投入並且精益求精。 三、 女性主管追求工作上被認同、自我的挑戰到自我實現的工作動機,促使她們提升專業能力並追求更高的職位。 四、 女性主管努力學習、自我成長以及認真負責的工作態度,讓她們獲得上司的信任,除此之外,找尋機會表現促使她們能藉此獲得升遷的機會。 五、 女性柔性溝通、了解與鼓勵下屬進而建立團隊的領導方式,讓她們能帶領整個工作團隊一起打拚,發揮整體的績效,而不是一個人奮鬥。 六、 學校教育與工作經驗的累積奠定銀行業女性主管現在工作的基礎,循序升遷的過程中,培養出調適的能力,也幫助她們更勝任工作。 貳、影響銀行業女性主管職場生涯之環境因素 一、 女性主管認為工作雖然忙碌,但不至於對家庭有太大的影響,而且家事可以藉由他人的幫助來完成,工作卻是自己的。 二、 父母、配偶、公婆的支持讓女性主管能順利追求職業生涯而未感到壓力。 三、 工作職場的組織文化直接影響女性主管升遷的機會,若是在本國舊銀行需要有良好的人脈甚於一切,外商銀行則重能力不論性別,而本國新銀行則介於其間。 四、 性別刻板印象仍讓女性主管要比男性花更多的時間與精力去證明自己的能力。 五、 競爭日烈的環境促使銀行業女性主管不斷地鞭策自己,提高自己的競爭力,然而銀行的供過於求,也使她們對將來的工作產生不安定感。


生涯 女性主管 銀行業 影響因素


The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the factors affecting the careers of women in managerial positions in banking. The data was collected through interviews with eight females employed in a variety of managerial positions in eight different banking firms. They were asked their personal assessment of individual and environmental factors affecting their career success. The findings were as follows: INDIVIDUAL FACTORS 1. Traits traditionally identified as “womanly”, such as being attentive to details, sensitive to others, patient, and considerate facilitated their work in the service environment of banking. 2. A high level of interest and personal initiative in acquiring and expanding financial knowledge facilitated advancement and involvement in their careers. 3. Their most important motivators were recognition of their achievements by others in the work place, self-challenge and self-accomplishment. 4. Winning career promotions was facilitated by hard work, reliability, seeking opportunities to show their abilities and pursuing self-improvement. 5. Leadership styles that were most effective for the participants included using personalized communication, team building, and individual expressions of encouragement for subordinates. 6. Education and work experience were seen as important factors in career success. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS 1. Although they had heavy work-loads, participants did not see family responsibilities as an obstacle to career success. They felt free to pursue their careers because relatives and/or hired helpers were available to them. 2. Support from spouses, parents, parents-in-law and friends helped women pursue their careers without pressure. 3. Social and cultural factors, such as sexual stereotypes, were reflected in the structural organization of the various banks and these differences directly affected the promotion opportunities of the participants. 4. Women managers felt sexual stereotypes caused them to spend more time and effort to prove their capabilities than male managers. 5. Women managers felt a competitive environment pushed them to improve themselves but they also felt unsure of their future because of bank mergers.


career women manager bank affecting factor


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