  • 學位論文


The Study of Teaching Intersection and Development of Mechanical Drawing with Computer Aided Teaching Materials on Students’ Learning Performance

指導教授 : 康鳳梅


本研究旨在探討以電腦輔助教材進行交線與展開圖教學後,對學生在空間能力、問題解決態度、學習態度及學習成就等方面學習表現之差異。本研究採前後測之準實驗研究設計,研究工具採用康鳳梅所發展之「交線與展開電腦輔助學習教材」、「交線與展開空間能力量表」、「高工學生問題解決態度量表」、「機械製圖學習態度量表」及「交線與展開成就量表」等工具。本研究之研究樣本,以國立瑞芳高工、國立三重商工、私立長榮中學製圖科二年級學生為研究對象,有效樣本204名。依各校原班級編組進行為期四週的分組教學,實驗組採用「交線與展開電腦輔助學習教材」,控制組採用傳統書本教材之教學方式。實驗教學前先對全體樣本進行量表的前測,於實驗教學後再進行量表之後測,以比較前後學習表現之差異。本研究所得資料除計算平均數、標準差之外並以獨立樣本二因子共變數分析、淨相關統計方法考驗研究假設。研究結果將作為機械製圖教學內容之參考及利於學者專家探討提昇空間能力、問題解決態度、學習態度與學習成就等學習成效表現之具體實例。 茲將本研究所獲得結論敘述如下: 一、 實驗組在「交線與展開空間能力」的「交線形成感觀」、「展開空間感觀」、「摺合空間感觀」分量表之能力及整體的表現皆顯著優於控制組。就性別差異而言,雖然男性比女性分數高,但並沒有達到顯著水準。 二、 實驗組與控制組在「問題解決態度」的「積極向度」、「憂慮向度」、「信心向度」三個向度及整體表現上,後測成績優於前測成績,但並未達顯著的差異。就性別差異而言,男女生在「積極向度」、「憂慮向度」及整體表現上並沒有顯著差異,但實驗組的女性在「信心向度」上的表現顯著優於控制組女性。 三、 實驗組在「機械製圖學習態度」的表現顯著優於控制組;就性別差異而言,女性前測成績平均略優於男性,然而經實驗教學後,男性後測成績則略高於女性,但皆未達顯著差異。 四、 實驗組與控制組在「交線與展開學習成就」的「文字測驗」上的表現無顯著差異,而就「交線能力」、「展開能力」及整體表現而言,實驗組顯著優於控制組;就性別差異而言,男性在「交線與展開學習成就」的表現優於女性,但並沒有達到顯著差異水準。 五、 學生在「交線與展開空間能力」、「交線與展開學習成就」及「機械製圖學習態度」的表現均有顯著的正相關。且「問題解決態度」亦與「機械製圖學習態度」有顯著正相關。當將「問題解決態度」及「機械製圖學習態度」的解釋力排除後,「交線與展開空間能力」與「交線與展開學習成就」的淨相關係數亦達到顯著的正相關。


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate students’ performance on spatial ability, problem-solving attitude, learning attitude and achievement scale with the help of Computer Aided Teaching Materials to teach the Intersection and Development of Engineering Drawing. Quasi-experimental design was used for the study. This study adopted the methods of “The Intersection and Development Computer Assisted Learning Material”, ”Intersection and Development Spatial Ability Scale”, ”Problem-solving Attitude Scale for Vocational High School Students”, ”Mechanical Drawing Learning Attitude Scale” and “Intersection and Development Achievement Assessment Scale”, devised by Kang, Fong-Mei. The valid samples of this study were 204 the second-year students majoring in Mechanical Drawing from three vocational schools—Nation Jui-Fang Vocational High School, National Hai-San Industrial Vocational High School, Private Chang Jung High school. Students were divided into two groups and the study lasted for four weeks. The experimental group used “Intersection and Development Computer Aided Teaching Materials, while the control group used traditional teaching materials. Meanwhile, both pre-test and post-test were taken on the whole samples to compare the students’ learning performance. In addition to mean scores and standard deviation, statistical methods such as two-way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and Partial Correlations were conducted to analyze the data. The outcome of this study will be used as references in teaching Engineering Graphics, and as a concrete instance for scholars and experts to discuss students’ learning performance in promoting their spatial ability, problem-solving attitude, learning attitude and learning achievement. The conclusions were as follows: 1. In “Intersection and Development Spatial Ability” and in its sub-abilities “Intersection Forming Perception”, “Spatial Development Perception” and “Spatial Folding Perception”, experimental group scored significantly higher than control group. As to different genders, males scored higher than females, but no significant differences were shown. 2. In “Problem-solving Attitude” and its three items “Positiveness Dimension”, “Anxiety Dimension”, and “Confidence Dimension”, both groups scored higher on post-test than on pre-test, but no significant differences were shown. As to different genders, no significant differences were shown on “Positiveness Dimension”, “Anxiety Dimension”, and “Problem-solving Attitude”; however, females in experimental group scored significantly higher on “Confidence Dimension.” than females in control group. 3. In “Mechanical Drawing Learning Attitude”, experimental group scored significantly higher than control group. As to different gender, females scored higher on pre-test than males, but after teaching with Computer Aided Teaching Materials, males scored higher on post-test than females. However, the differences were not significant. 4. In “Describing Test”, the sub-ability of “Intersection and Development Learning achievement”, there were no significant differences between two groups; while in “Intersection and Development Learning achievement” and its sub-abilities “Intersection Ability” and “Development Ability”, experimental group scored significantly higher than control group. As to different genders, males scored higher on “Intersection and Development Learning achievement” than females, but no significant differences were shown. 5. On students’ performance, significant positive correlation was shown in “Intersection and Development Spatial Ability”, “Intersection and Development Learning achievement” and “Mechanical Drawing Learning Attitude”. Significant positive correlation was also shown in “Problem-solving attitude” and “Mechanical Drawing Learning Attitude”. When the impact of “Problem-solving attitude” and “Mechanical Drawing Learning Attitude” were removed, significant positive correlation was shown in partial correlation coefficients of “Intersection and Development Spatial Ability” IDSAS and “Intersection and Development Learning achievement” as well.


江仁山(2014)。國中生英語補救教學學習動機與學習成效關係之研究 -以新竹市「補救教學實施方案」為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201400206
