  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 徐勝一


論文名稱:台灣地區太陽輻射及太陽能發電潛力之研究 指導教授:徐勝一 研究生:徐翠華 論文內容:共一冊,分五章15節 摘要 在目前廣泛使用的能源日趨枯竭,而人類需求日增的情形下,開發替代性能源為各國必要的發展方向,特別是可再生能源的利用。其中最普遍而又取之不竭的即是太陽能。世界上已有七十多個國家在研究太陽能利用的問題尤其先進國家發展較快,應用也較廣,如工業、農業、交通、資訊、醫療衛生、航空事業及生活住宅方面。 台灣較其他中、高緯的國家,日照量充足且值得開發,然而太陽輻射量仍受環境影響或利用上有其缺點,例如能源密度低,受日夜、季節、氣候等影響而有時間上的變化,造成應用的不便。台灣日照量的分布大致以西南平原、台東、嘉義等地較多,因晴日多較少受雲層遮蔽之故,不過由於單位面積的值不大,太陽能利用於農業或家庭雖很適合,但用於工業或發電時則必要有大規模的集熱設備;在已有的太陽能收集器方面,聚焦式、平板式等在溫度、熱能損失、跟蹤太陽等方面各有其優缺,架設成本降低不易是一大困難。 本研究即以台灣實測所得日照量,分析、統計後,以不同利用指標將資源作分級區劃,並以圖、表呈現,在利用太陽能的開發成本上及與其他能源的互補使用上,作為較詳盡的參考。本研究預計二年完成。 關鍵詞:太陽能、日照量、光發電系統


太陽能 日照量 光發電系統


Research in the solar radiation of Taiwan and the potential of solar powered energy generator. Abstract Due to the massive usage of energy, there is a rapid depletion of energy resources. Because of the urgent need for energy, many countries are moving in the direction of developing and introducing new sources of energy, especially renewable energy. One of the most abundant and inexhaustible renewable energy source is solar energy. All over the world, there are more than seventy countries that are researching on the problems with utilizing solar energy. The development is especially faster in the technologically advanced countries. The uses are wider as well, such as industrial usage, farming, uses in transportation systems, communications, medical and health industries, aeronautics and everyday living within the home. Taiwan, compared to other countries in the mid and high latitudes, has enough exposure to sunlight and is worth developing solar energy. However, there are some set back in the amount of solar radiation that can be utilized. Some of these set backs are low density of energy source that is affected by cycles of day and night, the seasons of the years, and changes in weather that causes the inconveniences due to the changes in the amount of time in which solar radiation can be collected. The amount of day light exposure received in Taiwan is generally greater in the south west plains and Herng-Chuen area. Because of more sunny days due to less cloud blockage, but because of the amount of surface area is not great enough, solar energy suits the needs of home and farm usage, but for industry or generators, solar energy collecting equipments in bigger scale is a must. In the solar energy collectors that are already in use, whether it be the focal point collectors or the flat board collectors, there is the problem of heat and energy temperature loss In the area of sun tracking, there are both positive and negative areas in the different collectors. Another big problem area is not being able to easily lower the cost of special installation of the collectors. This research will first measure the sunlight exposures in Taiwan, then, after the statistical analysis of the data, the different areas will be designated according to the different amount of energy that can be utilized in that area. The analysis of the data will be presented with maps and charts. The research will provide a detailed reference for the net cost of developing the usage of solar energy and the cost of using solar energy along with other energy sources. Keywords: solar energy, amount of sunlight exposure, light energy generating system


(Teens網路教育園區 財團法人清華網路文教基金會 共同維護製作)
1.Bradley, R.L., 1997, “Renewable Energy: Not Cheap, Not Green.” Policy Analysis. /vol. 280.
2.Brown, Kathryn S., 1999,“Bright Future—Or Brief Flare—For Renewable Energy?” Science., pp. 678-680.


