

摘要 本研究的目標在於探討運用討論式的教學模式如何影響高二學生物理學學習的成效,另外我們分析學生在討論式教學模式的情境下,其學習成效與學習狀況的關係。本研究中,我們設計討論式教學模式以作為我們的操縱變因,再設計概念評量的測驗試卷以作為評鑑學生學習成效的依據,另外,還要設計一份問卷,以調查實驗組學生在討論式教學過程中的學習狀況。 根據試驗教學的結果,我們發現:經過討論後的教學,學生所學習的概念有很大的澄清,這和學生以前習慣記憶、直接代入公式解題的方式有很大的不同,這種情形可由他對圖像的想像能力增強,看出他腦筋中有這樣的概念,尤其是原本在班級中學習有困難的學生,更是有長足進步的表現,也提高了學習的參與度與信心。由於討論式教學的實施,我們也發現學生學習的習慣有很大的改變,他們多能利用課餘時間與同學討論課業,不再單兵作戰。


Abstract The goal of this research lies in exploring how the discussion teaching model influences the effects in learning physics of the second grade of senior high school . Furthermore , we analyze the relationship between learning efficiency and learning environment under the condition of discussion teaching model . In this research , we design discussion teaching model as the variable we can control , and design the test of conception evaluation as the basis of evaluating students’ learning effects . Besides we need to design a questionnaire to survey the learning condition of the experimental students group under the process of discussion teaching model . According to the result of experimental teaching , we find : by the way of discussion teaching , the concept of students has been greatly clarified and reinforced . It makes large difference from the traditional way of problem solving---using direct and recital formula to work out problems . Discussion teaching model can not only enhance the ability of picture imagination but also make students have clear concept , especially for the students originally having difficulty in learning , now having great progress and confidence in learning . Owing to the practice of discussion teaching model , we also find that the students’ habits of learning vary a lot . Most of them can take advantage of their leisure to discuss studies with classmates instead of working alone .


周柏成(2010)。國中生物科技倫理之研究 ——以基因改造食品為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315190238
