  • 學位論文


Thoughtfulness of life and environment in Chinese Paintings

指導教授 : 袁金塔


藝術源自於生活,藝術也反應當代社會情感與心靈意識。社會文化、環境和生命的情調三者是互動的關係,透過藝術我們可以去認識社會的本質與脈動,也可以對生命做更深刻的思索與過濾。但自明清以來,在復古風的影響之下,水墨畫的表達已慢慢陷於固定化、公式化,不再是從當下的感受出發,使得藝術已漸漸和生活脫節,成為一種符號的複製而已。 因為環境的快速變遷,使人們在短短一、二百年間,從大自然走進了水泥叢林中,心靈思維與思考模式隨著環境而變異;本來面對面的心靈交流,現今卻依靠冰冷的電腦、手機來溝通,追求科技、快捷、方便,卻犧牲了心靈最真摯的情感與思維。現代社會彼此之間雖然靠得很近,心靈的距離卻很遠;住在一起,鄰居卻不相往來,更顯冷漠與孤寂;交通便利、四通八達,而我們的內心卻越來越不知未來該何去何從?至於政治上兩岸問題究竟如何解套?經濟的不景氣、失業的恐慌、教改政策的載浮載沉、變種病毒的傳播與恐懼、文化的定位與本土性,都影響著島上住民每一天的生活與心靈感受。 所以,盼能透過對此篇研究『生命與環境的省思--’’心靈的關注’’創作研究』,帶給自己對當代社會的再一次面對與思考,找尋生命的定位與出口,更加肯定生命的價值,進而愛護環境、珍惜生命,為生命創造最大的價值。以下便就此次論文的基本架構作一簡述: 第一章 緒論-包括了研究動機、目的、研究範圍、方法以及『心靈的關注』創作與研究的關係。 第二章 探討影響中國生命情調的三大思維:敬天的思想、虛靜的老莊思想、以人為本的儒家美學及分析在此影響下我國繪畫展現的各種生命情調。 第三章 著重於分析西方現代藝術思潮的突破與特質,以及現代水墨畫家在受此西方思潮下的省思與探尋,並在思想內涵與形式上所展現的現代生命情調。 第四章 論述『心靈的關注』創作理念與實踐,涉及創作的思想內涵與形式的探討。透過面對當代生活及環境的感受,找尋適合的題材及表現技法、材料與形式,拓展屬於個人的繪畫語言。 第五章 結論。


生命情調 心靈


Art originated from life. It reflects the living milieu and spirit ideology of contemporary society. Social cultures, conditions, and life sentiments interact with each other. Though art, we can recognize the inter-relationships between societal development and life sentiments. However, under the revival of ancient styles since Ming and Ch’ing dynasties, Chinese Paintings have become rigid, stereotyped and unable to set out with instant affections. Art merely signifies a reproduction of symbols, which disconnects with a real life. Because of the rapid environmental changes, people’s thought of spirits and thinking patterns changed with human’s immigration from the natural to artificial habitats in latest centuries. The traditional face-to-face interpersonal communication is presented by means of modern technologies such as computers and cell phones. People pay their true feelings and thoughts, which come from deep hearts, for pursuing technology, instant and conveniences. Nowadays, distance between people is so close, yet distance between hearts is quite far. People live nearby but not know their neighbors. The modern traffic can bring us to everywhere, yet we don’t know where to go. Various issues, such as the political tension between Mainland China and Taiwan, the overall economic depression, uncertainties of educational policies, concerns of the medical problems illuminated by the case of SARS and cultural position and localization, are closely associated with Taiwan’s people both on a micro- and macrocosmic level. Therefore, I want to seek for life position and exit by re-visiting and rethinking of contemporary society through this study, in addition, to affirm values of life, and then to protect our environment, to cherish life, to create the greatest values of life. Hereunder is the outline of the thesis Chapter One Preface-it ranges from the motives, purposes, scope, methods and the relationship between the study and creative works of “Spiritual Concerning”. Chapter Two This chapter mainly discusses three concepts that influence Chinese life sentiments: respects to the universe, nihility of Taoism and Confucian humanism with analysis of every kind of life sentiments of Chinese Paintings under such effects. Chapter Three Analysis of on the characteristics and breakthroughs of western modern art trend and the speculating and probing of modern Chinese Painters---what kind of life sentiments they want to express in the connotations and forms, under the sway of the Western trend. Chapter Four Includes expounded ideas and achievement of the “Spiritual Concerning” which involved in discussions of creative intentions and forms. By facing the real feelings of contemporary life, search suitable subjects, express skills, materials and styles to develop own painting language. Chapter Five Conclusion.


life sentiment spirit


17. 王碧華撰,《達達與超現實主義》,收錄於西洋現代藝術。
【一】 專書
1. 何懷碩<<苦澀的美感>>,台北:大地出版社,1976。
2. 陳瓊花<<藝術概論>>,台北:三民書局,1996。
3. 阿諾德 豪澤爾 (Arnold Hauser)著,居延安編譯<<藝術社會學>>台北:雅典出版社,1988。


王玉美(2009)。鴻雁歸來水拍天- 大雁的意象研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315151814
