  • 學位論文


A Study of the Effects of Vocabulary Learning Strategy Instruction on Junior High School Students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳純音 教授


本研究旨在探討字彙教學對不同英文程度的國中生,在單字記憶、理解方面有無顯著效益。本實驗對象為十五位台北縣立三重高中國中部的國三學生。在接受字彙教學策略之前,受試者先進行一項有關單字理解的前測,再就前測中的標的字彙者受試者描述自己的記憶方式,最後填寫一份有關其語言學習背景及之前已知學習策略之問卷。實驗階段歷時四個月,在此期間受試者接受研究者由文獻中所選擇的九種學習策略,並且融入學校課程中學習。在受教之後,受試者再進行另一項有關單字理解的後測、同時描述其記憶策略,並填寫與前試相同之問卷。所有實驗階段所得資料再由研究者進行 「質」與「量」的分析。 研究發現,在接受字彙教學後,高低成就組的國中學生都能從字彙策略教學中受益,並且較偏愛使用認知策略。而第一語言的轉移與可理解的語言輸入是受試者大幅利用實驗階段習得之記憶策略的兩大因素。受試者的策略使用與單字理解情形有相互關係作用,而其英文單字理解能力與其英文整體能力只有部分相關。此外,字彙策略教學的運用能使學生提高對英文的興趣。因此,本研究建議英文教師應將字彙策略教學及訓練儘早融入課程中,使學生能輕鬆的學習外語及培養獨立學習的習慣。


This experimental study aims to explore the effects of instruction of the selected vocabulary learning strategies for junior high school students of different levels of English proficiency. Fifteen third-year junior high students from San-chung Comprehensive High School were recruited for this study. Two reading passages and a questionnaire were used in the pre-test and post-test. The data collected in the experimental period were analyzed through qualitative and statistical examinations. The results show that the subjects of different English proficiency indeed benefited from the instruction of vocabulary learning strategies. They tended to prefer the Cognitive strategies than the Memory strategies. L1 knowledge and comprehensible input were the two forces that contribute to the subject’s practicing those learning methods in learning L2 vocabulary. Besides, it was found that strategy use and vocabulary comprehension was correlated; the subjects’ abilities in vocabulary recognition were also found partially related to their English proficiency level, especially for the low-proficiency learners. It was also found that the employment of the strategies could motivate the subjects. Thus, English teachers are encouraged to integrate the vocabulary learning strategy training into their syllabus so as to facilitate the learners’L2 learning.


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