  • 學位論文


Zheyang(zi) in Taiwan Mandarin: Discourse Functions and Grammaticalization

指導教授 : 李櫻


本研究旨在探討中文「這樣子」在口語中的言談功能及語法化現象。文中指出,「這樣子」在口語中具有(1)外指(exophoric)、(2)內指(endophoric)、(3)引文標記(quotation marking)、(4)互動(interactive)、(5)推論標記(inference marking)、及(6)篇章邊界標記(discourse boundary marking)等六種功能。雖然過去文獻認為「這樣子」是指示詞(deixis)的一種,其功能為扮演語言及外在世界的連結,但本文指出,在「這樣子」的六種言談功能中,只有外指功能扮演此典型情境指示(context-indexical)的作用,第二到第六種功能則主要在篇章及互動層面上運作。另外,就指稱功能來說,只有外指及內指功能可以在情境或上下文中找到其指涉對象。引文標記、互動、推論標記及篇章邊界標記等功能,均是由於說話者語用及篇章操縱(discourse manipulation)之需要而衍生出來的結果。引文標記的作用在於設定引文的框架並使其突出,以引起受話者之注意;互動功能的「這樣子」主要則為了滿足說話者在溝通過程中相互支持(mutually supportive)的需求;而推論標記的「這樣子」則牽涉到邏輯推論的過程,聽話者必須在其抽象知識基礎上才能找到指涉對象;最後,篇章邊界標記可視為是引文標記功能的延伸,兩者均典型出現在語調單位(intonational unit)的末端,並伴隨著語調的終止,篇章邊界標記的「這樣子」用來標示一段表達重要訊息的篇章結尾,其語用功能比起其他更加強化:一方面它標示了一段篇章的結束,可幫助創造言談的連貫性(discourse coherence),而另一方面它也凸顯訊息的重要性,藉此來引起受話者之關注。 除了探討語用功能強化(pragmatic strengthening),以此來解釋「這樣子」在口語中雖多樣但相關的言談功能以外,本研究同時也從主觀化現象(subjectification)、因高頻使用而產生的語音連結(phonological coalescence)、指稱範疇之擴大(expansion of scope)、及句法組合關係之固定(fixation of syntagmatic variability)等方面論證,顯示在口語中,「這樣子」已從一個指示詞語法化(grammaticalized)成為言談標記(discourse marker)。


The present study explores the versatile functions of zheyang(zi) in Mandarin spoken discourse in relation to its grammaticalization. Six functions are identified, including exophoric, endophoric, quotation marking, interactive, inference marking, and discourse boundary marking uses. Contrary to traditional characterizations which describe zheyang(zi) as a subtype of deixis, which functions to link language to its outside situation, only the exophoric zheyang(zi) performs such canonical context-indexical function. The rest operate mainly on a textual or interactional level. In addition, in terms of referentialness, only exophoric and endophoric uses are referential in that the referent for zheyang(zi) can be found in the context or cotext. Other functions of zheyang(zi) are largely due to speakers’ pragmatic needs and manipulation of discourse. Pragmatic strengthening along with semantic weakening is observed among these uses. The quotation marking zheyang(zi) serves to frame, and thus to highlight the intended quotation, drawing attention from the addressee. The referent of inference marking zheyang(zi) has to be inferred from a logical reasoning process in hearer’s abstract knowledge basis. The interactive zheyang(zi) further extends to an interactional level, as the main concern is the speakers’ communicative needs to be mutually supportive. Finally, the discourse boundary marking zheyang(zi) can be regarded as an extension from the quotation marking function, as they are similar with respect to their typical position at IU boundary and the accompaniment of intonational break. The discourse boundary marking zheyang(zi) typically marks the end of a discourse unit with certain substantial information. Its pragmatic function is even stronger: in addition to marking the end of a discourse unit and thus helping create discourse coherence, it also signals the significance of the information conveyed, thus drawing the addressee’s attention to it. In addition to the effect of pragmatic strengthening which accounts for the versatile yet interrelated functions of zheyang(zi), this study also finds evidence from subjectification, phonological coalescence due to frequent use, expansion of scope, and fixation of syntagmatic variability, that together bear witness to our claim that in spoken Mandarin, zheyang(zi) is grammaticalized from a demonstrative to a discourse boundary marker.


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