  • 學位論文


Reading Instruction in Junior High School: How do Junior High School English Teachers Instruct Reading?

指導教授 : 謝妙玲博士


摘要 這份實驗研究的用意是要調查現今國民中學英語教師如何施行閱讀教學。這份研究設計的問卷上面含有各種課堂上可能採取的閱讀活動,然後這些問卷被發送給全台中市353個國民中學英語教師填寫。問卷上面的30個問題分別代表由下而上/以文本為中心、由上而下/以讀者為中心、或雙向式的閱讀活動,以探討各個活動在課堂上被採用的頻率。結果顯示出大部分的受試者不再僅僅是傳統的採用由下而上/以文本為中心之閱讀活動的教師,而是在閱讀教學中呈現出雙重或多重傾向。另一方面,由上而下/以讀者為中心的閱讀活動在課堂上仍然尚未普及。可能影響受試者閱讀教學施行的因素,例如:國民中學基本學力測驗的實施、新版教科書的出版、與受試者的個人背景資料 ─ 性別、任教年資、任教學校(公立或私立)、學歷、以及是否主修英文,都在討論的範圍內。另外,根據所得資料之發現,這份研究不但提出建議給國民中學英語教師,也對師資培育機構、中等教育之有關當局、以及教科書編著者和出版者提出建議,以促使國民中學能具備更有效果和更有效率的閱讀教學。




ABSTRACT This empirical study is intended to investigate how junior high school English teachers instruct reading in their teaching of English. A questionnaire containing a variety of reading activities that might be applied in reading classes was developed in this study and distributed to all the 353 junior high school English teachers in Taichung City. There were thirty questions in the questionnaire which stood for bottom-up/text-based, top-down/reader-based, and interactive applications respectively to elicit the frequency of the adoption of each activity in reading classes. The results revealed that the majority of the subjects in this study were no longer merely traditional bottom-up/text-based teachers. Instead, they had dual or multiple orientations in their reading instructions. On the other hand, top-down/reader-based applications were still not very prevalent in reading classes. Factors that might affect the subjects’ application of their reading instructions were discussed, including the implementation of the Basic Competency Test, the publication of the new versions of textbooks, and the subjects’ demographic information--gender, years of teaching, the kind of school they taught at (public or private), educational background, and whether they had majored in English. Besides, based on these findings, some suggestions were made not only to junior high school English teachers, but also to institutions of teacher education, secondary school authorities, and textbook writers and publishers with the aim of achieving a more effective and efficient reading instruction in junior high school.


reading instruction


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