  • 學位論文


Teachers’ Beliefs of Teaching Ear Training and Sight Singing in the Taiwanes Junior High School-Music Talent Program

指導教授 : 盧昭洋


本研究選擇七位國中音樂才能班視唱聽寫教師為研究對象,採用質性研究法,探討視唱聽寫教師在教育目標、課程內容與設計、教學法、教學評量、學生及教師角色等六個層面的教學信念,以及影響教師教學信念的因素。本研究以深入訪談為蒐集資料的主要方法,輔以教學觀察、蒐集相關文件資料,將所獲得的資料進行歸納分析,並運用三角測量法來檢核驗証。研究結果發現: 一 、七位視唱聽寫教師在教育目標、課程內容與設計、教學法、教學評量、學生及教師角色等六個層面具有屬於個人的教學信念。其共同的核心信念如下: (一)、視唱聽寫是音樂人才養成的基本訓練:視唱聽寫乃在培養學生具備視唱、讀、寫譜和聽覺的能力,在施教過程尤其要注重情感表現能力的培養,啟發學生感受音樂美的能力,並教授應考技巧,讓學生適應升學考試模式,將來進入理想的學校就讀。 (二)、課程應兼顧升學考試的需求:課程訓練內容應兼顧升學考試的需求,包含節奏感、聽音、和視唱三方面的訓練,由淺入深、循序漸進的引導學生,也會以音樂文獻為教材,和學生的彈奏、音樂欣賞等經驗聯結。 (三) 以有趣、多樣化的教學法和讚美鼓勵的態度引發學生學習的興趣:老師教學中以有趣、多樣的教學法和讚美鼓勵的態度引發學生學習的興趣,在教學中注重反覆練習,強化學習成效,引導學生自主學習,並依學生的特質、能力、和個別差異因材施教,讓學生的潛力得到發展,分組教學中尤其對後段學生的心理要加強輔導。 (四) 評量可以做為教師反省思考與調整教學的依據:評量可以促進學生認真學習,教師則可從評量得知學生學習的成效並了解學生個別差異,做為自己反省思考與調整教學的依據。 (五) 改變學生被動的學習方式,誘導學生積極學習:音樂才能班的學生學習能力佳,自我意識強,老師要以包容、委婉的態度面對學生,以有效的教學策略,改變學生被動的學習方式,誘導學生積極學習。 (六) 教師要保持學習的心與教學的熱忱,不斷充實音樂專業的知能:視唱聽寫老師要具備和聲、曲式和音樂史等音樂理論的涵養,和良好彈奏的能力,老師要保持學習的心與教學的熱忱,不斷充實音樂專業的知能,並常反省思考自己的教學。 二、不同的因素會影響不同層面的教學信念,而影響教師教學信念的因素包括:,(1)個人因素:教學經驗的累積 (2)專業養成教育的因素:過去教師的影響、國內外求學的經驗 ; (3)任教環境的因素:學生、升學考試制度。 本研究最後根據研究結果提出了數項建議,以作為視唱聽寫教學之研究、教師思考自身的教學信念及相關教育機構作計畫或決策時的參考。


Teachers’ Beliefs of Teaching Ear Training and Sight Singing in the Taiwanese Junior High School - Music Talent Program This research selected seven junior-high-school teachers of ear- training in the music talent program as the research resources. The qualitative methodology was adopted to investigate ear-training teachers’ beliefs, including education goals, curriculum, teaching methods, evaluation in teaching, views on students, and the role of teacher, as well as the factors influencing teachers’ beliefs. The research was mainly based on depth interviews, with an addition of observation in class and references, which were generalized and analyzed and were verified by the triangulation method. The results were summarized as follows: A. Each of seven teachers involved in this research showed to have their individual beliefs. However, they still had common beliefs. A-1) In education goals were: 1) to teach students the fundamental; 2) to inspire the musical affections in students; 3) to impart the skills for preparing the entrance examination of high schools; A-2) In curriculum were: 1) to include the training for rhythm, dictation and sight singing; 2) to present progressively; 3) to apply the music literature to teaching. A-3) In teaching methods were: 1) to arouse students’ learning interest; 2) to guide students for independent learning and emphasize the importance of repeat practicing; 3) to divide the students into the groups according to their levels for teaching; 4) to teach the students according to their individual talent; A-4) In evaluation for teaching were: 1) to adjust the teaching methods; 2) to understand student’s individual difference; 3) to stimulate students for learning from their evaluation. A-5) In views on students were that: 1) they had good learning ability; 2) they learned with a passive attitude and strong self-consciousness; 3) to expect students to learn with an active attitude. A-6) In the role of teacher were: 1) to possess not only the knowledge of music theory, history, and pedagogy but also good keyboard skills; 2) to keep the learning in mind; 3) to be keen on teaching and adjust their teaching method frequently. B. Teachers with distinct education background and teaching experience may have different thoughts and methods in teaching; however, all of them had the common teaching beliefs. The elements influencing teachers’ beliefs were: 1) the accumulation of the teaching experience; 2) their professional education background; 3) education environment, for example, their students and the system of entrance tests. According to this research, several suggestions were proposed for teachers to conduct research in teaching of ear-training and to establish their teaching beliefs, and for the education agencies to make policies and plans of special music talent program.


