  • 學位論文


The Effects of Test Stress and Feedback Style on Primary School Students’ Learning Performance, Self-Worth and Learning Motivation

指導教授 : 張景媛


本研究主要目的是:一、了解考試壓力對國小學生科學文章學習立即效果之影響;二、分析考試壓力、回饋方式對不同學習成就國小學生科學文章學習保留效果、科學文章學習自我價值、科學文章學習動機之影響;三、探討科學文章學習自我價值與科學文章學習動機之間的因果關係。為達成上述研究目的,研究者採用準實驗設計及不同資料處理方法進行研究,可區分為三個部份加以說明: 第一部份主要針對研究目的一。本部份採準實驗單因子設計,選取台北市文化國小六年級四個班級共131位學生接受不同實驗處理,兩班學生在高考試壓力下學習科學文章,兩班則在低考試壓力下進行學習。而實驗結束後則以科學文章成就測驗前測結果為共變項,考試壓力為自變項,科學文章成就測驗後測結果為依變項,進行單因子共變數分析,考驗實驗處理是否產生效果。 第二部份主要針對研究目的二。本部份在實驗程序上緊接於第一部份之後,在第一部份實驗操弄的是考試壓力變項 (各兩班),而本部份則在成就測驗後測之後,除了以兩種回饋方式提供各個班級學習成果的回饋 (成績單及學習單回饋),更依據成就測驗後測結果將各班學生區分為後測高、中、低成就等三個成就水準,因此本部份屬2 × 2 × 3準實驗三因子設計 (考試壓力 × 回饋方式 × 後測成就)。而在實驗結束後,則分別以科學文章成就測驗、科學文章學習自我價值、科學文章學習動機前測結果為共變項,考試壓力、回饋方式、後測成就為自變項,科學文章成就測驗延後測結果、科學文章學習自我價值後測及延後測結果、科學文章學習動機後測及延後測結果為依變項,進行三因子共變數分析 (若違反共變數分析基本假定,則轉以實得分數分析進行資料處理),藉以考驗考試壓力、回饋方式對不同成就學生科學文章學習保留效果、學習自我價值、學習動機之影響。 第三部份主要針對研究目的三。本部份除了透過觀察回饋方式對不同成就學生科學文章學習自我價值、學習動機的影響,以推論學生學習自我價值與學習動機的因果關係外,更分別以科學文章學習自我價值後測及延後測結果為預測變項,科學文章學習動機後測及延後測結果為效標變項進行兩次簡單迴歸分析,以了解學習自我價值與學習動機之間的因果關係。 綜合研究結果,本研究的主要發現如下: 一、考試壓力、回饋方式對國小學生學習表現之影響:1.考試壓力能激發學生產生短暫的立即學習效果,但無助於學得知識的長久保存。2.回饋方式對學生學習保留效果並無影響。 二、考試壓力、回饋方式對國小學生學習自我價值之影響:1.考試壓力不利於學生之學習自我價值。2.成績單回饋方式不利於成就較低學生之學習自我價值。 三、考試壓力、回饋方式對國小學生學習動機之影響:1.考試壓力不利於成就較低學生之學習動機。2.成績單回饋方式不利於成就較低學生之學習動機。 四、國小學生之學習自我價值對其學習動機有顯著的影響:本研究發現,對於學業越有正向學習自我價值的學生,其學習動機將越高,而對於學業越有負向學習自我價值的學生,其學習動機將越低。 最後,研究者歸納研究結論,並提出研究結果應用及未來相關研究之建議,做為學校教師教學、輔導以及未來研究之參考。


The purposes of this study were: (1) to understand the effect of test stress on primary school students’ science article instant learning performance; (2) to analyze the effects of test stress and feedback style on science article learning retentive performance, self-worth, and learning motivation between the primary school students with different learning achievement; and (3) to explore the cause-effect relationship between the science article learning self-worth and science article learning motivation. In order to accomplish these purposes, the researcher adopted the quasi-experimental design and different statistical methods. The whole study could be described in three parts: The first part was mainly for the first purpose of this study. A one-factor quasi-experimental design was adopted in this part. There were 131 sixth-grade students drawn from four classes of Wen-Hwa Elementary School in Taipei as the participants. The students of two classes learned science article under high test stress and the others learned under low test stress. The collected data were analyzed by one-way ANCOVA. The independent variable was the test stress. The covariate was the pretest of the Science Article Achievement Test. The dependent variable was the posttest of the Science Article Achievement Test. The second part was mainly for the second purpose of this study. This part followed the first part of this study in experimental procedure. A three-factor quasi-experimental design was adopted in this part. The collected data were analyzed by three-way ANCOVA. (If the data violated the assumptions of ANCOVA, the researcher analyzed the data with gain-score analysis.) The independent variables were the test stress, feedback style and the achievement level of each class students. The covariates were the pretest of the Science Article Achievement Test, the Science Article Learning Self-worth Scale and the Science Article Learning Motivation Scale. The dependent variables were the delayed posttest of the Science Article Achievement Test, the posttest and the delayed posttest of the Science Article Learning Self-worth Scale, and the posttest and the delayed posttest of the Science Article Learning Motivation Scale. The third part was mainly for the third purpose of this study. In this part, in order to infer the cause-effect relationship of learning self-worth and learning motivation, we observed the effect of feedback style on science article learning self-worth and science article learning motivation of different achievement level students. Additionally, in order to realize the causality of learning self-worth and learning motivation more directly, we analyzed the data with simple regression analysis. The predictors were the posttest and the delayed posttest of the Science Article Learning Self-worth Scale. The criterions were the posttest and the delayed posttest of the Science Article Learning Motivation Scale. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The effects of test stress and feedback style on the primary school students’ learning performance: (1) Test stress was helpful to students’ instant learning performance, but could not help students to preserve the knowledge been learned. (2) Feedback style didn’t have effect on students’ learning retentive achievement. 2. The effects of test stress and feedback style on the primary school students’ learning self-worth: (1) Test stress was detrimental to students’ learning self-worth. (2) The feedback style of report card was detrimental to the lower achievement students’ learning self-worth. 3. The effects of test stress and feedback style on the primary school students’ learning motivation: (1) Test stress was detrimental to the lower achievement students’ learning motivation. (2) The feedback style of report card was detrimental to the lower achievement students’ learning self-worth. 4. The primary school students’ learning self-worth significantly predicted their learning motivation: Those students with more positive learning self-worth had higher learning motivation, and those with more negative learning self-worth had lower learning motivation. Finally, the researcher discussed the results and provided some suggestions for application and future research.


黃文莉(2011)。國小學童課後托育需求滿足與學業成就之研究: 以桃園市為例〔碩士論文,元智大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6838/YZU.2011.00182
