  • 學位論文


A Study on Romance Reading of Female Adolescent Students

指導教授 : 潘慧玲


青少女學生閱讀愛情小說之研究:以兩班高職女學生讀者為例 摘 要 愛情小說的閱讀普遍存在於青少女學生的生活當中,但卻是一個甚少被觸及的研究領域。我們在報章雜誌、新聞報導當中偶有聽聞關於愛情小說色情化的報導,國內亦有少數愛情小說相關研究,但卻甚少是以讀者作為研究的主體,由讀者的角度與觀點看待愛情小說的閱讀與詮釋。愛情小說以青少女學生讀者為主要的讀者與消費族群,教師們常有機會碰到學生閱讀愛情小說的情況,但是當教育工作者面對愛情小說閱讀行為時,卻少有能夠參考的文獻與研究協助其進行瞭解與輔導。基於上述的理由,本研究以青少女學生閱讀愛情小說為主題。 本研究以讀者研究為研究取徑,希望透過青少女學生讀者的發聲,瞭解她們的愛情小說閱讀情形,探究愛情小說所形塑的青少女學生次文化,並藉由讀者的陳述去發掘讀者對於文本內容獨特的理解與詮釋。我希望透過對於青少女學生讀者的瞭解與閱讀情況的呈現,能夠對性別教育提出詳實的研究描述與建議,並且在教師教學與輔導上提供參考。 研究於采雲家商進行,選取薰衣草班與紫羅蘭班各八名具有愛情小說閱讀習慣的同學參與研究。研究以焦點團體訪談為蒐集資料的主要方法。 本研究所獲致的結論如下: 壹、 愛情小說對於青少女學生讀者的重要意義在於多重需求的滿足 愛情小說對於青少女學生讀者的重要意義展現在隱私權的爭取、女性群體的凝聚、兩性資訊的探索、性別角色的穩固強化、禁忌的挑戰與探索、社會約束的暫時逃離等方面。 貳、青少女學生閱讀愛情小說是一種性別化的閱讀文化 無論是在校園或是家庭中,愛情小說的閱讀行為都充滿著獨特的「性別」文化意涵,女學生讀者由其中明顯感受到愛情小說讀者所代表「較不成熟」、「好幻想」、「多愁善感」的標記,進而強化了男女的分野。 參、「成熟—幼稚」的二分與性別差異的管教造成成人與讀者的對立 愛情小說閱讀行為所反映出的二元對立,除了男女之間的性別權力折衝外,還包括成人與青少女兩個世代層級間的權力衝突。對於愛情小說的陌生造成握有管教權的成人與青少女學生讀者之間經驗的斷裂。簡單將世界二分為成年—未成年�成熟—幼稚兩種極端的結果,形成代溝與隔閡;彼此間相互理解與溝通橋樑的缺乏,也造成成人與讀者的對立。 肆、棋差一著的讀者反思 同學們對性別不平等的段落有覺知,但是卻缺乏足夠的支持去深入探詢她們的懷疑,而愛情小說的幻想性阻止了讀者將文本與社會結構作比較,找出其中的的宰制關係,圓滿結局合理化了讀者原有的懷疑。 伍、讀者對小說中性別資訊的接收與認同受其個人生活經驗與先備知識 的影響 讀者會以自己所具有的知識以及生活經驗為基礎,去考量文本訊息化為現實的可行性,並加以調整轉化,因此讀者的先被知識與生活經驗對於其文本資訊的接收與認同便有了決定性的影響。 陸、順應中有抗拒:讀者傾向做出對女性有利的文本解讀與詮釋 愛情小說的閱讀是一種妥協與順應的並存,因為讀者不得不接受愛情小說為了反映現實社會中男女對立所做的設定。但藉由讀者對於文本中男女主角權力關係的重新詮釋,由女主角的故事中經歷替代性的抗拒,也使閱讀愛情小說成為安全的、對於主流父權價值的思想抗拒的展現。 基於上述結論,本研究分別針對性別平等教育與後續研究提出如下建議。 壹、 對於性別平等教育的建議 一、教育工作者實際閱讀經驗的重要性 二、建構對青少女學生讀者友善的介入情境 (一)接納:肯定青少女學生的心智成熟度並正視其需求 (二)民主:教師角色的轉變與討論氣氛的營造 (三)帶著感情教學方式:介入與輔導需由同理心出發 三、增加對青少女學生討論兩性資訊的機會以厚植學生自主判斷能力 四、將男生與女生、讀者與非讀者同時納入教育的對象 貳、 對於後續研究的建議 一、青少女文化與愛情小說研究是一個亟待開發的領域 二、期待現職教師以行動研究的方式投入愛情小說讀者研究 三、文本分析與讀者研究的結合


A Study on Romance Reading of Female Adolescent Students Tzu-Hsing Wen Abstract Romance reading is very common in female adolescents’ everyday life; however, as a research field, it receives less attention from scholars. Though there are some related romance studies and reports about pornographic romance in newspapers and magazines, few of them are reader-centered or written from readers’ perspective and their interpretation of romances. Female adolescent students are the main readers and consumers of romance. Therefore, chances are teachers will find his/her students reading romances. Paradoxically, there are few documents and studies available for these teachers to comprehend his/her students’ reading behavior. For this reason, female adolescent students’ romance reading will be the focus of this thesis. The approach in this study employed is reader-centered, which stresses the voice of female adolescent students in order for researchers to understand how they read, to probe into how romance reading shape their subculture, and to dig out their understanding and interpretation of the texts through their own statements. With the understanding of female adolescent readers and the description of reading situation, this thesis may provide solid research description and suggestion for gender education, and some counseling and teaching references for teachers. This study was conducted in Chai-Uing vocational school, and eight students with the habit of reading romances were recruited respectively from Lavender Class and Violet Class. The data-gathering method was focus group interview. The conclusions of this thesis are as follows: 1. For female adolescent student readers, the essential meanings of romance reading lie in multiple satisfactions 2. Romance reading of female adolescent student readers reflected a gendered reading culture 3. The dichotomy of “mature v.s. childish” and gendered discipline lead to the opposition between adults and romance readers 4. The early disappearance of introspection 5. Readers’ life experiences and prior knowledge will affect their receiving of and identifying with the gender information in romances 6. Resistance within adaptation: readers incline to make female-favorable and –beneficial interpretation The following are suggestions drawn from conclusions above: 1. Suggestions for gender equity education a. For educators, actual reading experiences are both necessary and important. b. Constructing a female-student-reader-friendly intervening situation is significant. c. Discussions of gender information with female adolescent students to enlarge their abilities of self-judgment should be increased. d. Education should include boys and girls, readers and non-readers. 2. Suggestions for thereafter researches a. Female adolescent culture and romance research is a field awaited to be exploited urgently. b. Incumbent teachers can study romance readers through action-research approach. c. Text-analysis and reader-research may be combined.


