  • 學位論文


Perceptions of the Special Education Directors in Junior High Schools:Work Stress and Coping Strategies.

指導教授 : 張千惠


本研究旨在探討國中特教組長工作壓力來源及其面對壓力時所採取之因應方式,以找出降低特教組長工作壓力之具體策略;並提出建議供特教組長調適壓力,及特教行政主管協助特教組長降低壓力之參考。 本研究以八位台北市國中特教組長為研究對象,透過面對面深入訪談、電話訪談、蒐集相關文件、觀察以及省思日誌等方式收集資料。以資料歸類與編號、反覆閱讀逐字稿與編碼、叢聚及發展主題架構、綜合歸納等步驟分析資料。並以多方資料檢核與同儕檢核等方法,建立信賴度。 研究的主要結果結果分三個向度來討論。就工作壓力而言,特教組長壓力之來源是多元的。其分別是來自工作內容過度多元、學生家長因素、時間壓力、行政人員特教知能不足、普通班教師特教知能不足、人際溝通、資源不足、九年一貫課程之實施、個人因素等方面。其中以工作內容過度多元、人際溝通二項帶給受訪的特教組長壓力最大,其次為普通班教師特教知能不足、個人因素、時間壓力以及資源不足。 其次,就壓力因應方式而言,多數受訪的國中特教組長以「採取解決行動」、「情緒調適」及「尋求支持」的策略來因應壓力;較少的國中特教組長使用「屈服問題」及「逃避問題」的策略來因應壓力。此現象反映出國中特教組長面對工作壓力時,大多採取正面的策略來解決問題。 最後,依特教組長需要的支援或協助而論,特教組長對學校單位所期待的支援或協助是:校方行政上級能支持特教工作、學校行政單位能重視特殊學生、特教組長與特教老師之權責與角色能區分清楚、特教組人力能夠增加等四方面。期待家長提供的支援或協助包括:提高參與特教班活動程度、在家長會中勇於說出特殊學生的需求、多花心力輔導子女。此外,受訪者期待教育局提供的支援或協助是:對於特教業務能妥善規劃、相關專責單位在工作分工上能取得協調與共識、加強鼓勵普通班教師參加特教研習、利用教改時機促進融合等。 本論文最後亦針對教育行政當局、學校相關人員以及國民中學特教組長三方面,提出了建議。同時也就研究主題、研究方法、研究對象三方面提出未來研究的建議。 關鍵字:特教組長、工作壓力、因應方式


Perceptions of the Special Education Directors in Junior High Schools: Work Stress and Coping Strategies. Keywords: Special education directors, work stress, coping strategies. This qualitative study investigated special education directors’ perceptions of work stress and coping strategies. The focus was on (a) the sources of work stress, (b) the impact of work stress, and (c) coping strategies that may help reduce the stress level. Participants included 7 female and 1 male directors of special education in 8 junior high schools. Data generated from in-depth interviews over a period of five months, documents, field notes, and reflexive journals comprised the material for data analyses. Coding, cross-case analysis techniques, multiple follow-up face-to-face or telephone member checking, and ongoing peer debriefing were used to analyze and report the data. The findings indicated several factors that brought about work pressure, including: work overloads, parental pressure, time strain, administration staff’s lack of support, regular teachers’ lack of awareness of student needs, un-smooth communication, lack of resources, the Nine-Year-Curriculum, and personal dilemmas. The interviewees felt that work overloads and un-smooth communication created the most pressure for them. In terms of coping strategies, the majority of the participants would take active problem-solving actions, adjusting one’s own thinking and emotions, and looking for support to cope the problematic situations. Some of the participants would take give up or try to avoid the problems. The participants also pointed out the support they needed from their school administrators: the principals’ support of special education and student needs, the local education agencies’ support in clarifying their job roles and responsibilities, and the need for having extra special education teachers. These participants also hoped for parental support in helping with class activities, advocating the needs of their children, and working with their children on behaviors. Finally, the participants suggested that the special education administration offices of the school districts well organize the yearly activities to be participated, provide in-service training workshops for directors of special education in school, encourage regular education teachers to learn more about the needs of students in special education, and plan more inclusive activities for these students. Participants’ experiences have implications for improvements in reducing work pressure of the special education directors in junior high schools. These findings may also encourage the special education administrators of local education agencies to develop more supportive and positive strategies to help those directors in school. Suggestions for future research were also presented.


李永昌(民88)。視障教育教師工作壓力之研究。特殊教育與復健學報,7, 219-244頁。
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