  • 學位論文


The Teaching Process of A Facilitator in People's Theatre

指導教授 : 王秋絨


本研究旨在瞭解民眾戲劇工作者透過何種教學歷程,以達到其所預期的「意識覺醒」教學目標。欲達成研究目的如下: 一、 瞭解民眾戲劇工作者之教學理念及其形成歷程。 二、 瞭解民眾戲劇教學互動歷程中引導者所扮演的角色。 三、 瞭解民眾戲劇工作者的教學反思。 四、 根據上述研究發現,提出促進成人解放教學之省思,作為民眾戲劇及成人教育相關工作者之參考。 根據上述研究目的,本研究以深度訪談及參與觀察的方式,探究資深民眾戲劇工作者賴淑雅在工作坊中的教學歷程。經歸納分析後,主要發現如下: 一、民眾戲劇工作者之教學理念為:邁向公民意識覺醒的教學目標;從肢體開發到公共議題論述的教學設計;平權互惠的師生關係。 二、民眾戲劇的教學互動歷程包括三階段:肢體開發、議題討論和戲劇排演。在每個階段中,引導者各自扮演不同的角色。 三、民眾戲劇工作者對於此次工作坊的教學反思包括:民眾站出來,擁有劇場;民眾劇場在社區大學發展的侷限與可能性;開展民眾戲劇的多元風貌。 根據上述研究發現,本研究分別提出對民眾戲劇推展、成人教學及未來研究的建議。


The purpose of this paper is to examine the teaching process of a facilitator in people’s theater and to understand by what means people’s theater achieves its ultimate educational goal, which is “conscientization”. Accordingly, the aims of this paper are as follows: I. To understand the facilitator’s teaching ideals and the process through which these ideals are formed. II. To examine the facilitator’s roles during the teaching interaction. III. To understand the facilitator’s reflection on the teaching process. IV. To offer reflective thoughts about teaching in adult liberatory education. Based on the aims of this paper, participatory observation and depth interviews are used to collect data from one people’s theater workshop. After analyzing the data, the following research findings are reached: I. The teaching ideals of the facilitator are as follows: a. The ultimate educational goal is to evoke the civic awareness of the participants. b. The instructional design includes physical relaxation and the discussion of the public issues. c. The teacher-student relationship is equal and reciprocal. II. The process of teaching interaction contains three stages: physical relaxation, the discussion of a certain public issue and drama rehearsal. The facilitator plays different roles in each of the three stages. III. The facilitator’s reflection on the workshop includes: a. the ownership of the participants in people’s theater. b. the limits and possibilities of the development of people’s theater in community university. c. the diversity of people’s theater in different social contexts. According to the research findings, this paper offers some suggestions.


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