  • 學位論文


A study on sign language narratives and story writing abilities of hearing impaired students

指導教授 : 林寶貴


聽覺障礙學生手語敘事與故事寫作能力之研究 中文摘要 手語可說是啟聰學校師生之間與學生之間,傳授課業、傳遞資訊與溝通訊息最主要的溝通管道。由於研究者多年的啟聰教育教師背景,以及未有研究探討聽障學生的手語敘事與故事寫作能力,因此引發研究者的研究動機。 本研究對象主要選取台北市啟聰學校高中(職)一年級至三年級學生,排除多障的學生,有效樣本共為31名學生,男生22人,女生9人。 研究工具採用企鵝家族卡通影片,內容充滿事件順序、因果、邏輯關係之概念,每單元約為5分鐘,並未使用語言,以避免語文因素對聽障學生的干擾。聽障學生在看完影帶後以手語敘事並錄影,錄影後寫下故事的內容。 以量化分析手語敘事語料的故事結構要素,以及手語敘事與故事寫作能力之相關;並從質化方面分析手語溝通的特徵。結果發現如下: 一、 聽障學生在手語敘事與故事寫作能力方面 (一)聽障學生的手語敘事有故事結構的能力。在「起始事件」、「結果」二要素的能力最強,「行動」能力尚可,「背景」的敘述會因發生的地點而不同,在「內在反應」的能力最弱。 (二)故事寫作發展的水準方面,以層次三「焦點鏈」的人數為最多;其次為層次四「完整的敘述」;層次最低的人數佔第三高。寫作層次越高者,所寫出的總字數、詞數皆多於層次低者。 (三)手語敘事與故事寫作能力的相關為.70,達到中度相關的程度。 (四)本研究進一步就手語敘事的語料和故事寫作的文字稿,分析其間的特性。 二、 聽障學生手語敘事的語言特徵 從聽障學生的敘事語料中,可以發現,聽障學生在敘述故事時,具有文法手語和自然手語交互使用的情形,而其關鍵點,在於所敘事的內容,如果具有視覺性的語言時,就會進行兩種語言的交互使用。同時本研究也歸納、分析了手語敘事語料中自然手語特有的語言特徵,以供研究或有關單位參考。 最後根據本研究的文獻探討、研究結果與結論,對啟聰教育與未來研究,提出若干參考建議。 關鍵字:聽覺障礙、手語、敘事、故事寫作


聽覺障礙 手語 敘事 故事寫作


A Study on Sign Language Narratives and Story Writing Abilities of Hearing Impaired Students Ya-Hui Yang Abstract Sign language is the medium through which students and teachers among themselves convey lessons, information, and communication. The motive of this study arose from my teaching background in hearing impairment education, and the lack of studies on sign language narratives and story writing abilities of hearing impaired students in this field. Subjects were chosen from freshman, sophomore, and junior high school students from the Hearing Impaired High School in Taipei. Multiple-impaired students were excluded; the sample included 22 males and 9 females, with a total of 31 student subjects. Research tools included two cartoon series on video, with concepts filled with chronological, cause-and-effect, and logical relations. Every series was approximately five minutes. Sign language was not used lest it becomes a distraction to hearing impaired student subjects. After viewing the video, subjects were asked to use sign language to make narratives which were taped on video; they were also asked to write down the stories. Using quantitative analysis in analyzing the core components of story structures of sign language narratives data and the relationship between sign language narratives and story writing abilities, while using qualitative analysis in analyzing the communication characteristics of sign language, the research findings were as the following: 1. The sign language narratives and story writing abilities of hearing impaired student subjects: a. The hearing impaired students indicated the ability in constructing the structure of stories using sign language narratives. They performed strongest in two major components: cause of incident and consequence; their performance in showing the stories’ actions was average; and they were weakest in their internal response in their narratives of the background of the stories, possibly due to the various different settings of the stories. b.As to the level of story writing, most subjects fell into the third level of the focus chain; the second highest number of subjects fell into the fourth level of true narratives; the lowest level was occupied by the third highest number of subjects. The higher the level, the more the subject’s total number of words and vocabulary was used than those subjects at the lower levels. c. The correlation between sign language narratives and story writing ability was .70, reaching a middle level of correlation. d. This study analyzed the differences in the abilities using data collected from sign language narratives and manuscripts of written stories. 2. The characteristics of the sign language narratives of hearing impaired students were as follow: From the hearing impaired student subjects’ narratives data, the researcher found that when they narrated stories, they interchanged grammar sign language and natural sign language. They use these two kinds of language particularly when the content of the narrative had visual language involved. This study also summarized and analyzed the characteristics of natural sign language to provide reference to further studies. Lastly, according to relevant literature discussed, the research results, and conclusions, the researcher proposed suggestions for further studies on hearing impaired education. Key words: hearing impaired, Sign Language, narrative, story writing.




