  • 學位論文


A Life History Analysis of the Humanistic Education Foundation

指導教授 : 王麗雲


本文主旨在探討一個教育壓力團體--人本教育基金會。「人本」在過去十年的台灣教改具有相當大的影響力,生命史研究可以用來了解「人本」如何存續並持續的影響台灣的教育政策與實務。 李伯斯基抗議團體的理論將作為了解「人本」的架構,這個理論主要是分析抗議團體內部動態還有與媒體、第三團體及標的團體互動的策略。文件分析和訪談將作為獲得人本生命史及上述架構相關資料的方法。訪談的對象包括「人本」幹部、教育行政人員、其他的壓力團體、媒體記者等。 依上述的架構來分析「人本」成功的原因,研究結果如下:「人本」的源起與教育改革的風潮有關,而其內部維持與發展策略和領導者、人力、資金及目標等有關;「人本」也重視與媒體的互動以獲得社會資源及其改革的目標。 本研究的主要貢獻有:一、協助了解「人本」存續的原因及對台灣教育的影響,生命史的研究也提供了「人本」發展中有價值的史料。二、「人本」的成功經驗可以作為其他教育壓力團體的參照,並藉以充實本土教育壓力團體的理論。三、政府與學校可以從「人本」的相關策略中學習如何面對與因應教育壓力團體。


This thesis focuses on a unique education pressure group in Taiwan, the Humanistic Education Foundation (HEF). HEF is unique not only because it has exercised great influence on educational reforms in Taiwan in the past decade but also for its longevity as a pressure group in education. Life history analysis is used to understand how a pressure group like HEF can survive with great success in influencing education policies and practices in Taiwan. Lipsky’s theory on protest group is used as a framework to understand HEF. Internal dynamics of the protest group, strategies used in dealing with the media, interactions with the third group and the target group constitute the focus of the analysis. Comprehensive document analyses and interviews were conducted to obtain the data necessary for understanding the history and strategies used by HEF based on the framework mentioned above. The people interviewed include staff of HEF, educational administrators, other pressure groups, as well as journalists to understand how HEF manage to survive and grow. Findings begin with a historical account of the different stages HEF went through in its development. Data collected show that HEF succeeded for good reasons. It has successfully handled key surviving imperatives of the pressure group in the four areas just mentioned. In terms of internal dynamic, strong leadership, clear group goals, supporting staff and volunteers, and stable fund raising make HEF survive many other pressure groups in education. HEF also has paid special attention in interacting with the media. Via releasing news strategically to maintain its visibility and advocate its idea, HEF has successfully used the media to bring social support for its reform agendas. This thesis has the following contributions. First of all, it helps us to understand how an influencing pressure group in education like HEF can survive and has such great impact on Taiwan’s education. Life history account of HEF also provides valuable historical account of its development. Second, theoretical explanations on pressure group were examined in local context to test its power of explanation. The successful experiences of HEF in acting as a pressure group can provide valuable experiences for other pressure group in education. Finally, governments and schools can learn how to cope with pressure group in education better by learning more about their strategies.


人本教育基金會網站(2003)(http:// hef.yam.org.tw)


