  • 學位論文


The Psychodynamic Processes of Decision Making During Time-Outs of Basketball Coaches

指導教授 : 林清和 劉有德


籃球教練在暫停時間的決策行為之心理歷程 中華民國九十二年十二月十五日 研 究 生 林如瀚 指導教授 林清和 協同指導 劉有德 摘 要 本研究以籃球教練暫停的行為為主軸,自1999至2003年間針對國內籃球比賽及教練進行為期四年的參與、觀察、記錄、訪談,主要目的在於發現籃球教練暫停時的決策行為之心理歷程。在前三個研究中受觀察的為國內高中及社會甲組的前八強教練,研究四則挑選八名教練為對象,做暫停錄音內容的分析,研究五訪談部分則為兩名高中及兩名社會甲組的協同研究者。包括在研究過程同時採用了量化與質性的分析,在量化的部分對於教練何時請求暫停分成三個方向研究,質性的部分在於瞭解暫停期間教練選擇什麼、做什麼、及教練為何/如何請求暫停。本研究的結果發現:在暫停的狀況中,國內優秀教練在請求暫停的認知上都是以戰略考量為主,其次是球員的注意力。在不同的球隊性別、學校等級及教練資歷上並沒有差異,顯示教練暫停的認知因素有相當一致的現象。在時機上:落後球隊在請求暫停上有較高的比例;球賽每節結束前2分鐘教練有較高請求暫停的狀況;而落後球隊則在每節結束前6分鐘時會有反敗為勝的想法。在比分差距上,領先1分有最多請求暫停的情形,且在這時的暫停也最有效;另外在領先2分或4分時,無效暫停的比例也相當高;大致來說,落後6-10分是請求暫停較佳的時機;在教練請求暫停的效果上有效暫停與無效暫停的比例各半。在時間與比分差距分析上:負斜率請求暫停次數多於正斜率;且各隊教練暫停斜率成一平滑的曲線;第四節的負斜率顯著最高,發現教練請求暫停時,斜率是主要考量。暫停內容部分,教練的口語指導中,以團隊進攻戰術最為重要,若加上個人進攻、團隊防守及個人防守的類目,他們佔了所有暫停口語指導的55%。關於教練行為模式方面,教練在準備、反省及記錄上,資深的教練比起年青一輩的教練花更多的時間在「堆積經驗」,也因此,資深的教練在臨場的考量上也較年輕教練顧及「全面性」。 【關鍵詞】教練(coach)、決策(decision making)、暫停時間(time-out)


教練 決策 暫停時間


The Psychodynamic Processes of Decision Making During Time-Outs of Basketball Coaches Date:December, 2003 Student:Ju-Han Lin Advisor:Ching-Ho Lin Co-Advisor:Yeou-Teh Liu Abstract Based on the behaviors of basketball coaches, this study investigates the psychodynamic processes of outstanding basketball coaches during time-outs, using long-term observation to examine basketball coaches’ mental processes during time-out in 1999-2003. According to past experience, the researcher tried to understand certain questions regarding to the game of basketball. At the first three studies of this thesis, We observed the top 8 teams of senior high school and the first level basketball teams. At the forth study, We picked eight of coaches for the analysis of the prescriptions during time-out At the last, four of them were analyzed for the construct of decision making. Quantitatively, three domains were divided in terms of time-outs called by coaches. On the other hand, which, what, why and how coaches made decisions during time-outs were analyzed qualitatively. It was found that time-outs requested by those excellent coaches were mainly based on team strategies. And the second important reason was to enhance players’ attention. There were no differences in terms of gender, performance levels and the past experiences of coaches. In other words, the decision making of basketball coaches during time-out was consistent. In terms of timing of time-outs called, there were higher possibilities that coaches requested time-outs in the last two minutes of each quarter. However, for the team lagging behind, the coach would call time-outs six minutes prior to the end of each quarter. On the other hands, while the teams lag behind three points and the teams led by two or four points, there were higher possibilities to call time-outs in vain. However, the chance to have a successful time-out called is around 50%. The analysis of dynamic system demonstrated that the frequency of negative slope was higher than positive slope, particular at the fourth quarter, and there was a smooth curve on the slope of time-outs called. Therefore, the slope of win-loss relationship is a substantial index. In terms of the prescriptions given by coaches during time-outs, the strategies regarding to team offense were most frequently used including solving the defense of the opponent team, dealing the offensive play properly, offensive strategies, and so on. Plus individual offense, team defense and individual defense, these mentioned prescriptions were 55% out of total factors used during time-out. Regarding to coaches’ education and development, experienced coaches spent more time to accumulate coaching experience in terms of preparation, introspection and data collection with higher maturity and integration than younger coaches. Key words:coach、decision making、time-out


coach decision making time-out


Tseng, K. T. (2011). 板凳教練致勝之道:籃球進攻技戰術動態分析 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315232705
