  • 學位論文


The Effects of the Positive Thinking instructional activities on the aggressive behaviors、peer interaction、 the positive meaning

指導教授 : 陳李綢


本研究主要目的在設計一套適合國小高年級學生之正向思考教學活動課程,並探討該課程對國小高年級學生攻擊行為、人際關係與正向意義之影響。研究方法採不等組前後測準實驗設計,以台北縣某國小130名六年級學生為研究對象,實驗組共65位學生,控制組共65位學生,實驗組接受為期六週,每週三節課(135分鐘),共十八節課的實驗課程處理,對照組則接受原綜合活動課程。 本研究以「國小學童互動關係量表」、「國小學童正向意義量表」為量化資料的評量工具,於實驗課程結束進行後測,所得資料以單因子多變量共變數分析進行統計處理,並分析「單元回饋表」、「課程總回饋表」、「學生及教師訪談大綱」及「教師省思札記」為質性的輔佐資料以深入瞭解教學實驗之效果。主要發現如下: 一、正向思考教學活動課程具可行性,教學內容有趣且實用,獲得很高的評 價及滿意度。 二、正向思考教學活動課程有助於減低國小六年級學生攻擊行為的發生。 三、正向思考教學活動課程有助於提升國小六年級學生同儕互動關係。 四、正向思考教學活動課程有助於提升國小六年級學生正向意義。 五、最後研究者根據研究結果加以討論,並提出具體建議,以作為未來學校 情緒教育教學及 相關研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to design a positive thinking instructional activities which were suitable for the senior-grade elementary students and to investigate the effects of the curriculum on students’ aggressive behavior 、 peer interpersonal relationship and the positive meaning. The design of nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group, as quasi-experiment design, was applied to the study, there were totally 130 sixth graders students from a elementary school in Taipei county participating in this study, 65 of which were assigned to the experimental group and 65 of them in the control group. Students in the experimental group went through 18 sections positive psychology instructional activities into the integrative activities for 6 weeks, 3 section(135 min),per week, while those in the control group accepted the original integrative activities curriculum. The quantitative instruments utilized to examine the effects of this study “were the scale of interaction between peer interaction for elementary students ” and “the positive meaning scale for elementary students ”, which were administered at the end of the curriculum. The collected data was analyzed with one-way ANCOVA. The qualitative data was analyzed to examine the effects of the curriculum, including “feedback questionnaires” , “interview data from students and teachers”, “teacher’s reflective journals ” The findings were presented as the following. 1. Positive thinking instructional activities was feasible. Students considered that the contents of the curriculum were very interesting and practice. They were satisfied with every unit of the curriculum and considered that it was helpful to understand themselves emotion and improve peer interpersonal relationship. 2. Positive thinking instructional activities into the integrative activities curriculum could decrease the senior-grade elementary students’aggressive behaviors. 3. Positive thinking instructional activities could improve interaction between peers of the senior-grade elementary students. 4. Positive thinking instructional activities could improve the positive meaning of the senior-grade elementary students. 5. Based on the results, suggestions of emotional education and related study were discussed and proposed.


陳李綢(1991)。個案研究。台北 : 心理。
戴嘉南、連廷嘉、陳志賢(2002)。EQUIP方案對高危險群青少年認知扭曲之團體諮商效果研究。國立高雄師範大學輔導研究所 輔導所刊,7,1-26。


