  • 學位論文


Career Choice Process for a Male who is Considering Inheriting Family Career:A Narrative Research

指導教授 : 金樹人


本研究之目的為透過研究參與者生命故事的敘說,理解其生命主題和社會文化脈絡對男性繼承家業之生涯選擇的影響,並了解其敘?生命故事的歷程中,對未來生涯發展的期待與想法之改變。研究對象為一位正在經歷繼承家業之生涯選擇的成年男性,共進行10次總計16小時的訪談。研究方法採取敘事研究方法,並以「整體──內容」模式與Crossley(2000)敘事心理分析步驟,進行資料分析。研究結果發現: 1.研究參與者繼承家業生涯選擇歷程的生命主題為「學飛的風箏──尋找完整自我的長子之路」。而其生命主題的發展脈絡呈現出: (1).早期生命經驗在整體故事脈絡中具有重要地位,對敘事基調與生命主題的形成與發展有重要影響。 (2).個人生命角色之間的交互影響,塑造個人獨特的生涯模式。 (3).生命主題的發展脈絡乃是尋求解決核心生存問題的過程。 2.影響研究參與者繼承家業之生涯選擇的社會文化脈絡分為「男人的肩膀千斤重」、「成為一個家的傳人──孝順」、和「『金仔子』的樣板戲」三大類,其內涵呈現出: (1).重視「孝道」德行的價值觀 (2).「子承父業」的性別刻板印象 (3).「以考試為晉升之階」的生涯發展觀點 (4).「自我」活在社會文化脈絡所建構的各種角色之下 3.研究參與者經由敘說生命故事的過程產生之改變包括:「生命角色的覺察,讓生涯選擇從被動轉變為主動」;「重要事件發生喚起內在做自己的聲音與力量」;「讀書深造帶來衝破長子角色束縛的信心與力量」;「發現父親是『做自己』的楷模與支持力量」;「對家族的認同帶來追求自由的支持與允許」。其中影響改變的因素包括: (1).敘說過程中的共構與解構,對舊故事產生視框的改變,獲得不同的意義理解,並重新建構新的故事。 (2).敘說過程中,說出更多被忽略和遺忘的故事,帶來新的意義。 (3).藉由敘說的過程產生新的洞察,是未來生涯發展的力量與立足點。 最後,根據研究結果進行綜合性的討論,並提出本研究的限制及具體建議,以作為未來研究的參考。


The purposes of this study are to realize the developmental contexts of career themes of the narrator, who is considering inheriting family career, and how the culture and the society influence him to make the decision. Furthermore, the changes of his expectation on his ideal career in the future also reflected during the interviews. This study is based on one young male, who is 25 years old. There are ten interviews, sixteen hours in total. The methodologies thesis is narrative research. The narrative interview data is analyzed with the holistic-content method. Several findings according to the data analysis are as follows: 1.The career theme of the narrator, who is considering to inheriting family career, is “To find a complete self in the process of indentifying himself with the role of eldest son”. And the connotations of development contexts are as follows: (1) Early experiences during his childhood play important roles in the development contexts of career themes, and the experiences have powerful influence in shaping his narrative tone. (2) The reciprocal effects among his personal life roles mold his career pattern. (3) The development contexts of career themes are the process of searching resolutions to essential living problems. 2.These influences from social contexts are: “Male’s obligation towards families”, “Being a son with filial piety, he must become the successor of the family career”, “If other eldest sons can do it, you have to do it, too!” And the connotations of these are as follows: (1) Filial piety is extremely emphasized. (2) The stereotype of gender role: The successors of a family must be sons. (3) Pursuing diploma would be the only family approved alternative. (4) “Self” is confined to life roles constructed by social and cultural expectations. 3.His expectation of ideal career in the future was changed as follows. (1) During the sixteen-hour interview, the narrator gradually reconstructed his original viewpoint of being a successor into new one. Undertaking the family career is acceptable and even could be more meaningful than he had expected. (2) The long forgotten and neglected family history had the chance to be discussed and rediscovered. The narrator even got the chance to identify himself with the family spirit. (3)Through narration, people could get new insights. And these are anchor points and energies for the career development in the future. The narration is like an initiation empowers the narrator to have more confidence to follow his own will and in the meantime not to violate his social and cultural roles in a family.


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