  • 學位論文


Study of the Ability and Practice of Metacognition among Junior High School Science Teachers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊芳瑩


中文摘要 教育從人類文明開始就是即為重要的課題,尤其在進入全球化的今天,教育的效果-無論大或小-對國家的競爭力及國民的素質的影響已經不能用2、30前的過去模式來思考,網際網路跳躍式的發展與進步,例如Google、YouTube、Wikipedia等等都代表人類知識的擴大或許可以跟宇宙的無限膨脹相比擬。因此21世紀的教育不僅是知識的傳授,更要有效的教導學生具有學習知識的能力。而這個能力從認知到實現有無限的學習可能,或許在知識的大爆炸的新時代讓我們的下一代能更具有生存競爭力甚至更加成功。本研究乃運用從70年代開始風行的「後設認知」理論,來探討九年一貫課程中的「自然與生活科技領域」國民中學理化教師的實際教學情形,希望由本研究的分析結論為「後設認知」教學在臺灣教育舞台上更被重視或扮演更重要的角色,進而使臺灣學子的未來世界競爭力提升一點點,都可能是教育成敗的關鍵。


Abstract From the beginning of human civilization education has been an important issue. Especially stepping into to the new era of globalization, the effect of education toward the competitiveness of a nation or the quality of citizens, whether big or small, cannot be considered like in the past. Internet is growing in leaps and bounds. Like Google, YouTube or Wikipedia, their growth as representing the expanding of human knowledge can only be compared by the expansion of our universe. Therefore the education in 21st century does not only teach knowledge but also teach students how to possess the ability to learn knowledge. This ability starts from cognition to acquirement of knowledge and further to learning beyond boundaries. With this ability perhaps, during the new era of knowledge explosion, our next generation will survive, compete or even succeed. Utilizing the concept and successful experimental results of metacognition since 1970s we will explore the real situations of chemistry and physics teachers teaching the 「Natural Science and life technology Domain」of 「Grade 1-9 Curriculum」in junior high schools. It is expected that from the analyzed results of this research, whether metacognition can be emphasized and play a more important role in the arena of Taiwan’s education. Evidently any slight increase of competitiveness in future world is a win-or-lose situation of Education in Taiwan.


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