  • 學位論文


A Study on the Tendency of Physical Education Objective Identification in the Three Public Senior High Schools in Banciao City, Taipei County.

指導教授 : 林靜萍


本研究目的在於探討台北縣板橋市三所公立高中師生體育目標認同傾向。以「高中體育目標認同傾向量表」為研究工具。以叢集抽樣法對各校學生進行抽樣,並對各校體育教師與導師進行普查。有效問卷為學生663人、教師115人。所得資料以平均數、標準差、因素分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。所得結論為台北縣板橋市三所公立高中: 一、高中體育目標認同順位 教師與學生的體育目標認同順位在排序上雖略有不同,學生前三項依序為「培養團隊合作精神」、「了解運動傷害的處置方法」、「促進身體成長發育」;教師前三項依序為「促進心肺適能的提升」、「充實正當休閒生活」、「降低身體脂肪比例」,但在高、低十項認同順位中卻相當一致。在高順位十項中,教師較學生重視降低脂肪比與提升關節柔軟度,而學生對促進發育與運動樂趣的體驗則較為重視。 二、高中體育目標構面 教師對於體育目標構面之認同順位與學生相當一致,「運動防護知識目標」與「體適能與體格發展目標」皆為高認同目標構面的前兩名,而「運動技能發展目標」與「體育專業認知目標」則排序在後,以「體育專業認知目標」構面受到的認同最低。 三、個人背景變項在體育目標認同傾向上之差異 學生體育目標認同傾向受到性別、年級、興趣程度、每週運動次數的影響;而教師則受到性別、是否為體育系畢業、運動社團或校隊經驗等影響。至於師生體育目標認同傾向差異情形,教師對於「體適能與體格發展目標」、「情意層面發展目標」、「運動防護知識目標」等體育目標的認同傾向高於學生。 本研究並根據研究結果,針對高中體育教學提出重視學生運動傷害防護、運動樂趣,提升運動興趣的建議;也建議未來體育目標認同傾向之研究應持續進行,並探討體育目標認同傾向與不同教學模式的關係,在研究方法上則可加入訪談、觀察等方法。


The purpose of this study was to examine the Tendency of Physical Education Objective identification between teachers and students in Three Public Senior High Schools in Banciao City, Taipei County. Cluster sampling among the students and census taking from the PE teachers as well as class teachers were used. Questionnaires were issued and done by 663 students and 115 teachers. The 5-point Rating Scale“Survey of the Objective Tendency of Physical Education”was used as the research tool. The data was analyzed with statistical methods, such as Mean, Factor analysis, T test, One-way ANOVA. The results of this study were follows: (1) The top three physical education objective identifications of students were cultivating the spirit of team working, realizing the methods of treatment for sports injuries, improving the body growing. The top three physical education objective identifications of teachers were improving the cardiovascular fitness, enriching the suitable leisure activities, abating adiposity rate. Although the preference order of objective identification between teachers and students existed tiny differences, the top ten and least ten physical education objective identifications were in accordance. In top ten objective identifications, teachers attached more importance to abate adiposity rate and joint flexibility. Students attached more importance to body growing and fun acquiring ; (2)The study has chosen 6 meaningful objective elements of senior high school physical education. The titles are fitness and body shape, social behavior, emotional behavior, professional physical education recognition, sports injury prevention, and motor skill. The preference order of objective identification tendency between teachers and students was in accordance. The top two were sports injury prevention, fitness and body shape. The least two were motor skill and professional physical education recognition ; (3)The variables that affect students’ physical education objective identification were gender, grade, degree of interesting, exercise frequency every week. The educational background and experience of sports club or sports team affect teachers’ physical education objective identification tendencies. The identification tendencies were significant differences between teachers and students on fitness and body shape, emotional behavior, and sports injury prevention objective elements. Teachers’ identification tendencies are higher than students’.




