  • 學位論文


A study of current status of hot spring resorts to execute safety management and its related factors --an example of Wu-lai Township,Taipei County

指導教授 : 胡益進


本研究旨在瞭解研究對象執行安全管理現況,及其背景資料變項、安全管理認知、安全管理態度與安全管理安全管理執行現況之相關。 研究對象為2008年登記於臺北縣政府衛生局營業衛生管理稽查名單中位居烏來鄉之溫泉業者,研究工具為自行編製之結構式問卷,以郵寄方式進行調查研究,共42家的業者為本次研究之母群體,以家數為單位,每家發出2份問卷,一份給部門主管,另一份給實際工作人員,總計發出問卷數84份,回收有效問卷47份,回收率56.0%。 資料處理分析採用描述性統計、t檢定、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、複迴歸等進行統計分析,重要結果歸納如下: 一、安全管理認知平均答對?為65.6%,大部分研究對象對安全管理認知有基本認?,但僅有2成7的研究對象知道臺北縣尚未訂定營業衛生自治條例;安全管理態?平均得分為4.21分,態?屬正向,但有少部份的業者對於溫泉標章之認證,在態?上並沒有強?支持;安全管理安全管理執行現況平均得分為4.02分,近一年內安全管理安全管理執行現況介於「大部份做到」到「完全做到」間,但是在「全數員工獲得CPR合格證照」及「禁忌及注意事項完整及正確性」部分尚有努力的空間。 二、研究對象背景資料之「經營屬性」會影響安全管理認知。 三、研究對象背景資料之「事故傷害處理單位」、「事故傷害處理人員」及「自認安全程度」會影響安全管理態度。 四、研究對象背景資料之「職稱」、「衛生管理人員」、「在職訓練」、「事故傷害處理單位」、「事故傷害處理人員」及「自認安全程度」會影響安全管理安全管理執行現況。 五、安全管理態度及安全管理安全管理執行現況兩者間呈現正相關。 六、安全管理安全管理執行現況之預測變項,有67.5%可由背景資料變項、安全管理認知及安全管理態度等變項來解釋。 依據研究結果,建議未來推動安全管理重點可包含強化安全管理在職訓練之內容:強化影響因素認知、增進安全管理相關法規認知、建立安全至上的積極態度、開設標準作業說明書的工作坊;及制定臺北縣營業衛生管理自治條例:推動CPR認證制度、禁忌及注意事項完整及正確性、建立溫泉專屬的水質檢驗標準、設置衛生管理人員、提供在職訓練、設置事故傷害處理單位及人員。


安全管理 溫泉業者


This thesis is aimed to realize the current situation how the research objects execute safety management, as well as related factors. The research objects are hot spring resorts in Wu-lai Township who have registered in 2008 audit list of hygiene management conducted by Public Health Bureau, Taipei County; the research tool is a structured questionnaire compiled by the author, then sent out by mail for the investigation. The population of this research comprises 42 resorts. Each one is provided with 2 copies of questionnaire; one is for the department chief and the other is for a front-line employee. A total number of 84 questionnaires were sent out and retrieved 47 effective copies. The retrieval ratio was 56.0%. Data are being processed through methods including Descriptive Statistics Analysis, T Test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation, and Multiple Regression. Important results are concluded as follows: 1.Regarding the cognition of safety management, the correct ratio is 65.6% on average. Most of research objects have basic understanding about the cognition of safety management but only 27% of them know that regulations of hygiene autonomy for the business sector have not been enacted in Taipei County. The average score in respect of safety management attitude is 4.21 which is considered positive, but a few resorts do not strongly support to enforce the certification of Hot Spring Mark. The current execution status gets an average score of 4.02; it is between “Almost achieve” and “Completely achieve” within recent one year, but there is still space for striving in respect of these two items as “All employees obtain CPR Certificate” and “Completeness and correctness of bans and notices”. 2.“Business type” of research objects will influence on the cognition of safety management. 3.“Accident treatment unit”, “Accident treatment staff” and “Self-confidence in safety degree” of research objects will influence on the attitude of safety management. 4.“Position Title”, “Hygiene Management Staff”, “On-job Training”, “Accident Treatment Unit”, “Accident Treatment Staff” and “Self-confidence in Safety Degree” of research objects will influence on the current execution status. 5.The safety management attitude is positively related to the current execution status. 6.67.5% of the predictor variables of the current execution status can be explained by background variable, cognition of safety management and attitude of safety management. According to the research result, it is suggested that the future advancement of safety management can include contents of strengthening on-job training regarding safety management, which are reinforcing cognition of influential factors, advancing cognition of regulations related to safety management, cultivating the positive attitude of utmost safety; and the enactment of Regulations of Hygiene Autonomy for the Business Sector in Taipei County, which are the advancement of CPR certificate system, completeness and correctness of bans and notices, establishing a specific water quality examining standard for hot spring resorts, assigning hygiene management staff, providing on-job trainings, and setting up the accident treatment unit and staff.


Safety management Hot spring resort


