  • 學位論文


The Study of Self-regulation Learning strategy for WebQuest Learning System

指導教授 : 蕭顯勝


網路資訊的快速成長使得網路探究學習近年日益興盛,教師在進行網路探究學習的教學時,以主題探究的形式,讓學生融入情境中,搜尋相關的知識。學生在進行網路探究學習時,必須透過電腦以及網路瀏覽器的使用,然而應用開放式的上機學習,學生的自我約束常是學習成效關鍵,因此本研究建置一自律學習機制輔助系統,讓學習者在自律循環模式中進行網路探究學習,亦讓教師能夠即時監控學生的成就表現並適時給予協助。本研究以北縣某國小六年級學生為實驗對象,各別取三班為實驗組、三班為控制組,實驗處理以為期五週的網路探究學習進行環保肥皂課程的教學,探討本研究自律學習機制輔助網路探究學習與一般網路探究學習,學習者在自律程度與學習成效之間的關係,並透過系統操作歷程記錄、學習者學習記錄,觀察學習者之行為模式中自律的行為表現。 經過系統建置、資料分析及實驗處理後,本研究得到以下結果。 一、開發具自律學習輔助機制之網路探究學習系統。 二、使用本系統學習者在學習成效上明顯優於一般網路探究學習者;使用本系統之高自律程度學習者成績優於一般網路探究高自律程度學習者;而使用本系統之低自律程度學習者成績優於一般網路探究低自律學習者,且和一般網路探究高自律學習者無明顯差異,顯示本系統在提升學習成效及輔助低自律程度學習者上確具成效。 三、學習者的自律程度並未在實驗處理中產生變化,顯示其自律程度未因使用本系統而有所變化,故本系統雖未能在實驗處理中,提升學習者自律程度,然而對低自律程度學習者的學習成效,仍具一定效益。 四、以序列分析發掘高、低自律程度學習者之探究任務行為模式,發現高自律程度學習者在探究任務行為模式中之自律行為表現較佳,但藉由本系統輔助可增加低自律程度學習者之自律行為表現,進而提升其學習成效。


The rapid growth of information in the WWW has resulted WebQuest to become more useful than ever. While teachers are lecturing with WebQuest , they are able to present the topic in different ways which has allowed the students to integrate with the situation and research for related knowledge. Through this type of learning and interaction with WebQuest, learners are able to obtain new information from the internet resources. However, it is hard to assess the efficiency of hands on teaching strategy, and the key point to a successful lesson teaching is student's self control. In order to have a decent quality lesson using WebQuest, a well organized Self-regulated Learning system should be provided and teachers should be monitoring students' behaviors at all times and giving appropriate guidance. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to construct a WebQuest Learning system with self-regulated learning. Samples were certain of six classes’ students at 6th grade of Elementary School in Taipei County, and were divided into experimental (three classes) and control (three classes) groups. The pretest-posttest nonequivalent-groups design study method was selected. The study used Children Self-regulated Degree Assessment as pretest and posttest, and Knowledge of Eco-Soap Comprehensive Test as achievement pretest and WebQuest as achievement posttest. The data is processed by statistics methods such as two way covariance (two-way ANCOVA), Correlation Coefficient, Independent-Samples T Test and Pair-Samples T Test etc. After analyzing, the conclusions are as follows: 1.The study used self-regulatory cycle to build the Self-regulated learning doctrine in WebQuest Learning system. 2.The achievement of experimental group of high self-regulated degree student is better than the achievement of experimental group of low self-regulated degree student and that of both control group. The achievement of experimental group of low self-regulated degree student is advanced up to achievement of control group of high self-regulated degree student. 3.After teaching experiment, the self-regulated degrees of experimental group and control group are not significant different. 4.By using sequential analysis to analyze self-regulated behavior, the acts of experimental group of high self-regulated degree are most accord with self-regulated behavior and are better than other group. The acts of experimental group of high self-regulated degree sometimes match with self-regulated behavior and which cause the achievement better than control group of low self-regulated degree students.


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