  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 許全守


本研究旨在瞭解金門地區國中學生數位學習能力之表現,分析不同背景的學生其數位學習能力的差異,並探討家庭社經背景、家庭資訊環境與學校資訊教育對學生數位學習能力的影響。 研究方法採文獻探討與問卷調查,依據研究目的,普查金門地區八年級國中學生之意見。問卷共計發放711份問卷,實際回收672,去除填答不全者,有效卷632份(94.0%)。經以統計分析,歸納結論如下: 一、金門地區國中生的數位學習能力表現大多受家庭社經背景影響,而學生的家庭社經背景普遍不高。 (一)金門地區國中學生家庭成員的資訊能力,影響學生的數位學習能力。 (二)金門地區國中學生家中有無電腦與網路設備,影響學生的數位學習能力。 二、金門地區國中生的數位學習能力表現與國內的國中生並無顯著差異發現。 三、金門地區國中學生使用電腦與網路的時數多寡,影響學生的數位學習能力,而學生使用電腦與網路的時數呈現兩極化。 四、金門地區國中學校資訊教育內容大致相同,各校學生數位能力除套裝軟體之使用外,其他並無明顯差異。 五、學生的套裝軟體的應用能力來自於學校資訊教育,與家中有無資訊設備關係不大。 根據上述結論,本研究對金門地區的教育行政機關、學校行政單位及後續學術研究提出具體建議。 關鍵字:金門地區、國中學生、數位學習、數位學習能力


This study aims at the understanding of junior high school students』 e-learning abilities besed on analyzed the ability of 8th grade students at Kinmen. It also explores the factors of students』 family socioeconomic status、family e-learing conditions、and the program of school information education. To achieve the study purpose、this study employs methods included literature review and questionnaire survey to collect the needs data from 8th-grade junior high school students at Kinmen. There were 711 questionnaires issued、and 672 retrieved. The number of valid returned questionnaires were 632 (94.0%). According to the statistic analysis、the results and conclusions are as following: 1. Family background is the most common factor in affecting the e-learning abilities of junior high school students. Students』 socioeconomic background is generally at low level. (1) For junior high school students in Kinmen、their family members』 information ability affects their e-learning ability. (2) Availability of computers and access to the Internet for junior high school students in Kinmen affect their e-learning ability. 2. No significant difference is found between the students』 e-learning abilities of junior high school students at Kinmen county and in Taiwan. 3. The duration of using computer and network by junior high school students in Kinmen affects their e-learning ability. The number of hours using computer and network by these students separated into two extreme status. 4. The content of information education in Kinmen schools is basically the same. Besides packaged software、there is no significant difference in students』 e-learning ability in different schools. 5. Application ability of packaged software is from school information education、and is not correlated with the availability of information equipment at home. Based on the preceding conclusions、the research proposes several concrete suggestions to education administration institutes、school administration units in Kinmen、and future academic research。 Keywords: Kinmen、junior high school students、e-learning、e-learning ability


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