  • 學位論文

從 E. Fromm的觀點分析牧者講道的教育理念與實踐策略—以大臺北地區臺灣基督長老教會為例

Analyzing the Educational Concept and Practical Strategy of Preaching from E. Fromm's Perspective -- A Case Study from Taipei Area of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan

指導教授 : 徐敏雄


本研究以大台北地區的台灣基督長老教會為研究對象,透過Fromm《逃避自由》及《愛的藝術》之理論觀點,檢視牧者的講道的教育理念與實踐策略之原則,梳理當今台灣社會脈絡中,信仰教育文化的變化與更新,並歸納出五點結論,分別為:1.我教即我在:與自身生命經驗有關的信仰體驗。2.充滿恐懼的文化:信仰與社會對信徒性格上的形塑。3.在群體中求知:講道理念層面對共有真理的追尋。4.在群體中學習:發展人類因愛連結的講道實踐。5.不再分隔:講道反應牧者自身的生命狀態。 從Fromm的觀點來看,理想上牧者的講道最好能帶給信徒更多思考空間和自我生命經驗對話,但實踐層面上,牧者本身可能缺乏這樣被對待過的經驗,以至於要跳脫過去的習慣,冒險地做出新的嘗試和改變,需要有很大的勇氣與支持。因為牧者的講道教育若能夠讓信徒越來越誠實地面對自己,一方面固然可能讓信徒更有自我反思能力,但在此同時,信徒也很有可能會開始反對牧者、質疑牧者,當信徒擁有思辨的能力,就能對習以為常的習慣產生新的覺察。 但如果教會不是一個複製權威的地方,而信仰的目的是真的能讓人與上帝有所連結,進而體驗到信仰核心中的愛,那牧者如何容許讓信徒有屬於自己親身的經驗,就是非常重要的。因此在講道的實踐上,牧者必須付出時間、心力,相信信仰中的愛需要在生命經驗中才能真正發揮作用,以作朋友的心態和信徒建立信任關係,累積彼此的信任與默契,而不是將自己擺在高處觀看,進入真實生活中與信徒共同生活,將身歷其境相互對待的方式和感受,和信仰知識對話,這樣的信仰知識才能為生命帶來真正的影響,使人成長、茁壯。


This research aims to analyze the presbyterian churches in Taipei area. Through Fromm’s theory of Escape from Freedom and The Art of Loving, this research examines the sermon’s educational concept and practice strategy, and discerns the renewal education and its change in the context of Taiwan society. To conclude in five perspectives: 1. I teach therefore I am, the religious experiences relate to life experiences. 2. Culture of fear, how religious and society form the church members’ personality. 3. Seeing Knowledge among the group, to seek the common truth from the perspective of sermons. 4. Learning from the group, to develop the sermon practice driven by the connection of human love. 5. Never separated, the sermons reflect pastors’ lives. From Fromm’s perspective, ideal sermon is to bring thinking and conversation to the church members. However, pastors themselves don’t have the same experiences. Pastors need great courages and support in order to break through the past experiences and take the risk to make new try and to change. When the sermon brings honesty to face themselves, meaning church members are empowered to self-reflect. At the same time, church members could start to question and stand against the pastors. When church members embrace the critical thinking, that means they are able to have new vision to the usual practice. If church is not a place to replicate the authority, and religious is to connect human and God, to experience the core love from the religion, how the pastors create space for church members to own the connections matters. Pastors need to make effort on the sermon and to believe love of faith will only work on the base of life experiences. To build trust and understanding by making friends with church members instead of being supreme. Pastors need to live together with church members, bring religious into lives, and to bring conversations with feelings and connections. The religious can only bring true power for lives and to make people grow and strong through this religious knowledge.


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