  • 學位論文


Bridging Families and Business with Women Power: Women's Leadership, Firm Innovation and Performance in Family Business.

指導教授 : 康敏平


近年來隨著女力崛起,有許多研究指出,在非家族企業中,由女性出任高階管理團隊的重要角色,例如CEO或CFO,會增加團隊多樣性,提升決策品質,且TMT認知架構改變,團隊會變得更具創新導向,對於企業創新能力、績效表現有正向的影響。然而,這樣的情況在家族企業中是否依舊?家族中獨有的社會情感財富,時刻左右著企業決策過程與結果。另外,又有什麼方法可以解決社會情感財富與企業績效之間的衝突呢? 本研究發現女性領導者所帶來的正向影響,在特殊的家族企業環境中,因為同時受到性別議題與社會情感財富的影響,缺乏管理決策權,反而對創新、財務績效產生負向影響。但是,若家族企業提供健全的治理環境,即擁有適當的外部持股比例,非家族成員就可以幫助女性領導者重獲決策管理權,對創新、財務績效產生正向影響。 同時,本研究也認為,家族中傳統的性別觀念,不應該延伸至家族企業營運層面。家族型企業(Family Business)容易將家族邏輯與企業邏輯混用,進而加深、跨大性別的限制,令女性領導者躊躇不前。反觀擁有企業的家族(Business-owning Family),卻不會受到傳統性別倫理的影響,在面對商業競爭時,願意尋找並嘗試新的做法,以提升企業競爭力。


In recent years, more and more women working excellent and result to outstanding performances for the firms. Research had point out that if women play an important role in TMT, such as CEO or CFO, can increase team's diversity, and promote decision-making quality. Moreover, Female TMT appointments can shift TMT cognition, making TMT become innovative-oriented, cause increase in innovative and financial performances. However, is such situation still exist in family business? Socioemotional Wealth, which is belongs to family members, altering all decisions and results in the firms. Also, we are wondering to know how to solve the conflicts between SEW and firm performances? This study found that the impact of female leaders to innovative and financial performances become negative in family businesses, because they might suffer gender issues and socioemotional wealth at the same time, causing female leaders lack of management and decision-making power, and result in worse firm performances. Fortunately, if family business provides a sound governance environment, i.e., with an appropriate external shareholding, non-family members can assist female leaders regain the power to make positive impact on firm performances. Besides, we consider that operators should not extend the traditional gender cogitation from family to their business. Family businesses tend to confuse family's operating logic with firm's operating logic, impede and limit female leaders to exert their talents. On the other hand, Business-owning Families, are not influenced by traditional concepts and are willing to try new approaches, improving their competitiveness when facing commercial competition.


阿里足跡團隊(2019)。馬雲:未來30年是「體驗時代」 女性將更易成功,ALIBABANEWS阿里足跡。
