  • 學位論文


Northern Territories Dispute in Japan-China-Soviet Trilateral Relations: Discuss from the Contents of the People's Daily (1949-1978)

指導教授 : 林賢參


東亞國際關係研究中,探討第三國如何評論其兩個鄰國之間的領土問題之研究仍不多見。日本與蘇聯不單是中國的鄰邦,同時各自也有深刻的歷史問題與領土問題待解決。冷戰期間中國如何看待日蘇之間的領土問題:「北方領土」,即成為一個値得探究的議題。《人民日報》是中共最重要的機關報,預期其報導將相當程度地反映當局的態度與政策。本文利用該報資料庫,以關鍵字搜尋相關新聞,試圖藉由《人民日報》對「北方領土」的報導,疏理並分析中國對日蘇領土問題的觀點變化。 研究發現,《人民日報》依據當局不同時期的對外關係與外交理念,而對「北方領土」的稱謂、歸屬立場、報導頻率、報導對象進行了大幅度的調整。尤其1970年代日中關係正常化以降,「北方領土」報導搭配「反對霸權」的主張,進行大量刊載,一時成為報上宣傳重點之一。《人民日報》宣傳日蘇領土問題,一方面具有現實上聯日制蘇的意圖,另一方面也含有意識形態鬥爭的色彩在其中。


In the study of international relations, there are only few cases discussing how one country as a third party deals with the territorial dispute of its neighbors. For example, in East Asia, Japan and the Soviet Union have long-term territorial issue, so-called the Northern Territories dispute. China, as its neighbor, also has a complex history and territorial disputes with both Japan and the Soviet Union. Therefore, how China views and discusses “The Northern Territories” has become an interesting perspective to observe Chinese foreign relations in an alternative way. This research examines People’s Daily, which is an official newspaper of the Central Committee of the CCP covering the territorial dispute between October 1949 and December 1978. The study found that Chinese government's perception and position on the Northern Territories issue changed significantly after the Japan-China Joint Declaration in September 1972. Since then, its news is regularly accompanied by “anti-hegemony” slogan, and is consciously served as one of the propaganda tools in line with Chinese diplomatic ideology in the 1970s. By treating the Japan-Soviet territorial dispute, People's Daily announces the intention to unite with Japan in order to counter the Soviet Union, and also implies the ideological combat with the Soviet Union.


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2. 丘宏達著,陳純一修訂,2015。《現代國際法》修訂三版。臺北:三民書局。
3. 石之瑜,1994。《中共外交的理論與實踐》。臺北:三民書局。
