  • 學位論文


Novel's Spatial Writing by Liu Yichang:The study is based on《The Drunkard》、《Intersection》

指導教授 : 范宜如


香港文學的研究脈絡裡,資深報人劉以鬯被視作香港現代主義的代表作家。與他相關的研究,大多聚焦在「現代主義」、「創作技巧」、「小說形式」等文學面向,肯定其對香港文學發展的貢獻與小說創作的實驗精神。然而細讀文本,發現同樣以香港為背景的小說,卻傳達截然不同的空間意識,突顯作家站在不一樣的位置書寫香港城市,這與劉以鬯南來移民的背景有所關聯。因此本文先從作家的身份歷程切入,再以《酒徒》、《對倒》為考察對象,透過小說主角的行爲與出入場所,分析小說所呈現的香港六、七十年代的空間文化。從空間主體的差別與觀照視角的轉變,論述人與城市的關係,反映作家身份的移轉,還原其眼中香港的生活空間。藉此呈現隱藏背後多重複雜的殖民文化、移民情結與商業取向的文化空間。 本文在空間理論的基礎上,分析小說空間,連結作家身份的轉變,論述劉以鬯從移民過客到尋找本土位置的過程中,如何觀照香港從一座「浮島」到根著「我城」。在章節安排上,共分五章。第一章為緒論,說明研究方向與動機;第二章,先梳理劉以鬯多面向的文學身份與生平經歷,呼應其不同時期作品所展示的空間意識;三、四章為主要文本分析,藉人文地理學與都市相關理論,分別論述小說中香港的空間書寫。《酒徒》一章,論述從南來文人的角度,觀看香港的位置,闡述香港的文化空間與背後的逃避主義;《對倒》一章,從角色的都市漫遊,書寫日常空間;第五章為結論,回顧各章研究成果,論證劉以鬯經驗中的空間與地方。


劉以鬯 酒徒 對倒 空間 人文地理學


In the research of Hong Kong literature, senior newspaperman Liu Yichang is regarded as a representative writer of Hong Kong Modernism. Most of his related research focuses on literary aspects such as “Modernism”, “Creative skills”, and “Novel form”, those of which acknowledge his contribution to the development of Hong Kong literature and the experimental spirit of novel creation. However,Liu’s different novels on the background of Hong Kong convey completely different sense of space consciousness. His background as an immigrant influences him to write about Hong Kong from different perspectives. Therefore, in this thesis, I would start from the identity journey of the writer, take “The Drunkard” and “Intersection” as the object of investigation, and analyze the space culture of Hong Kong in the 1960s and 1970s from theprotagonists’ behaviors and space. From the difference of the space subject and the change of perspective, I would discuss the relationship between people and the city, which reflects the transfer of the author's identity, and restores the living space of Hong Kong while those above explore the colonial culture, immigration complex ,and business orientation cultural behind the multiple and complicated cultural space. Moreover, on the basis of space theory, this thesis analyzes the space of novels, links the transformation of writer's identity, and discusses how Liu Yichang observes Hong Kong from a “floating island” to a “my city” in his journey from an immigrant to a local citizen. Chapter one introduces the motivation and general statements. Chapter two is to sort out Liu Yichang’s multi-faced literary identity and life experience. Chapters three and four are the main text analysis, which discuss the space writing of Hong Kong in the novel with human geography and urban related theories. Chapter five will conclude and review the research results of each chapter and demonstrate the space and place in Liu Yichang’s experience.


Liu Yichang The Drunkard Intersection space human geography


一、劉以鬯作品 (依出版時間先後排序)
