  • 學位論文


Ruyi ornamentation applied to seat design The Creative Research

指導教授 : 張柏舟


「人生不如意事十常八九。」人們生存在空間上無邊無際的「宇」和時間上無始無終的「宙」裡,顯得無比的渺小與短暫,期望能從本能的求生存到萬事萬物的順利圓滿。希望以現代設計的造型語彙,透過「如意」以象徵隱喻的中華文化,融入座椅的創作設計,傳遞悠久的文化內蘊,並以客製化概念來滿足個人喜好,讓人們從使用的感受延伸到意會文化精神的感染。   座椅的設計由外而內,從有形的、外型賞心悅目的滿足、外觀的美感層次、做出來使用的,到無形的、使用功能的滿足、行為的實用層次、透過口耳相傳的,再昇華到意念的、使用上產生心理卓越的滿足、哲學的思考層次、幾乎無法動搖的境界。   透過人體在空間中活動的姿態,步行、立定、彎腰、坐下、靠背、躺下…思考座椅創作的情境與需求,來設計椅腳、座面、椅背和扶手的造型與結構關係。   分析如意紋飾的截取與造型應用,以反覆和強調為主,兼顧平衡、調和、比例、韻律為輔,再結合旋轉複製、鏡射複製、垂直拉伸、半立體變化的實際運用方法,將如意紋飾完整擷取,或利用一個到數個的如意頭,平面化或複製、連結出新紋飾,或是再加入其他物件一起設計,做為座椅創作時的基礎形式依據,融合當代美學與現代化的手法和材質的創新應用,找出傳統如意的新時代文化意義與呈現方式。


"Most likely unhappy things in life." People living without beginning or end of the "universe" in the "Yu" in time and space boundless, it is smaller and shorter lived, it is desirable from the instinct of survival to everything everything is smooth and successful. We hope to shape modern design vocabulary, through the " Ruyi " metaphor to symbolize Chinese culture, into the seat of creative design, deliver long cultural connotation, and customized concepts to meet individual preferences, so that people can feel cultural spirit from the use of sense to extend of the infection. Seats and interior design from the outside, from the tangible and pleasing appearance to meet, the aesthetic appearance of hierarchy, made out to use, invisible to the practical level, the use of functions to meet and behavior, through word of mouth, and then sublimation to ideas, psychological excellent meet on the level of philosophical thinking, almost unshakable realm. Through gesture human activities in space, walking, standing, bending, sit back, lie down ... and demand situation Consideration seat creative, to design the shape and structure of the relationship between chair legs, seat, back and armrests. The practical application of the method of intercepting and analyzing Ruyi decoration modeling application, and to repeatedly emphasize, taking into account balance, harmony, proportion, rhythm, giving the combined rotation copy, mirror copy, stretched vertically, three-dimensional variation of half the Ruyi ornamentation complete capture, or to take advantage of a number of Ruyi head, planarization, or copy, link the new ornamentation, or the inclusion of other items designed together, form the basis of the seat as the basis for his creation of the fusion of contemporary and modern aesthetics innovative application techniques and materials, to find out the traditional cultural significance of a new era of wishful and presentation.


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