  • 學位論文


A Critical Discourse Analysis on the Posts of Facebook Fan Pages in Sunflower Movement

指導教授 : 劉立行


本研究主題為2014年臺灣發生的太陽花學運為研究主題。太陽花學運起源臺灣與中國簽訂兩岸服務貿易協定的爭議,無論是太陽花學運或是兩岸服貿,相關人物與事件,皆是當年最熱門的話題和媒體焦點,也得到國際媒體關注與報導。本研究利用Fairclough 新的批判論述分析(Critical discourse analysis, CDA)分析三個粉絲專頁上的太陽花學運相關動態貼文,將2014年3月18日至4月3日,黑色島國青年、我是台灣人.台灣是咱的國家及白色正義社會聯盟等三個粉絲專頁作為分析樣本,了解社會事件、社會實踐與社會結構三個層面。 本研究發現,太陽花學運引發臺灣人民的認同,與其背後的民主概念和公民意識,以及全球自由經濟的反思相關,臺灣與中國的特殊政治關係是學運訴求「先立法、再審查」的根源。依三層面所得到之研究結論:(一)太陽花學運再現在各文本皆呈現對立的群體,如:抗議團體和政府的對立,也對比學運的動能與政府的漠然;(二)抗議團體以「捍衛民主」為論述主軸,甫以國家權力負面論述,凸顯行動的正當性和急迫性,我是台灣人著重反中國論述,白盟則以暴力式民主論述學運;(三)學運生成於公民意識、反自由經濟和反中國意識以及國家權力至高位階等條件中。


This study was to serve the purpose of investigating the posts on certain Facebook fan pages in Sunflower Student Movement. Sunflower Student Movement, caused by Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA), was a very important issue in Taiwan in 2014. It caught the attention of international media as well. This study applied Fairclough’s three dimensional model of critical discourse analysis (CDA) as the research framework. The posts from March 17th to April 3rd in 2014 were gathered for further analysis, retrieved from three Facebook fan pages of Black Island Youth Front (the leading group of the movement), We Love Taiwan Country, and White Social Justice Alliance. The study found the movement was closely related to Taiwanese identity, included democracy concept, civic consciousness, and the reflection of global free market economy. Moreover, the special political relation between Taiwan and China was the reason why the protesters demanded “to legislate supervision on cross-strait agreement before reviewing the trade in services pact.” The result indicated as follows: (A)Opposition groups were pretended in the text of the each group. (B)The protest groups followed a discourse order "to defend democracy" and negative narrative of state power. We Love Taiwan Country focused on anti-China discourses, and White Social Justice Alliance discussed the movement as violent democracy. (C)The movement occurred in the condition of civic consciousness, anti-neoliberalism, anti-China sentiments and the high-order of state power.


中華經濟研究院(2013b)。服貿協議 中經院:難看出負面衝擊。取自:
中時社論(2013年6月22日)。社論-兩岸服貿協議 陸委會閉門造車。取自:http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20130622000993-260109
