  • 學位論文


A study of the relevant factors against secondhand smoke on the 8th graders at different behavioral stages─a case from Hsinchu

指導教授 : 郭鐘隆


目的:本研究應用跨理論模式探討國民中學學生拒吸二手菸之相關因素,在不同改變階段是否有不同的知識、改變過程、決策權衡和自我效能,以了解國中學生在不同改變階段之差異。 方法:採自填式問卷調查法,以分層集束抽樣105學年度新竹市北區、東區及香山區的學校,依區域分為三層,以學校為單位進行集束之隨機抽樣,每區至少抽樣一所學校,共計三所學校全部八年級學生為研究對象,發出871份問卷,回收650份問卷,有效問卷回收率為70.50 %。 結果:本研究對象有30.60 %在無意圖期,17.60 %在意圖/準備期,13.80 %在行動期,38 %在維持期。維持期的國中生在二手菸知識、改變過程、決策權衡利益及自我效能之得分最高,其次是行動期、意圖/準備期,最後是無意圖期;決策權衡障礙得分在各行為改變階段之間都很相似。男、女性皆對拒吸二手菸相關因素有正向看法;父、母親教育程度愈高,國中生對拒吸二手菸相關因素之看法愈正向;不曾吸菸者,其對拒吸二手菸相關因素之看法愈正向;未和吸菸者同住者對拒吸二手菸相關因素之看法愈正向;沒有朋友吸菸者對拒吸二手菸相關因素之看法愈正向。換言之,不分性別、雙親教育程度越高、不曾吸菸者、未和吸菸者同住者及沒有朋友吸菸者,對拒吸二手菸相關因素之看法愈正向。 結論:本研究支持跨理論模式在國中學生拒吸二手菸之應用,以期未來能透過增加知識、改變過程、決策權衡利益及自我效能,進一步喚起國中生對預防吸二手菸的重視。


Objectives:The study assesses the transtheoretical model to the relevant factors of rejecting secondhand smoke in junior high school students.We examine whether students in different stages of change had different knowledge, processes of change, decisional balance and self-efficacy. Methods:This study adopts self-administered questionnaire. Population is the schools in North District, Eastern District and Xiangshan District of Hsinchu City in the 105 academic year. Stratified cluster sampling method is adopted. The schools are divided into three layers by region , and cluster random sampling is conducted in "schools". At least one school is sampled in each district. A total of 871 questionnaires are issued, recovering questionnaires 650 shares and the rate of return is 70.5%. Results:Of the 618 students in this study, 30.6% of the research participants are at precontemplation stage, 17.6% are at contemplation/preparation stage, 13.8% are at action stage, and 38% are at maintenance stage. Junior high school students at the action stage scored the highest in knowledge of second-hand smoke, processes of change, pros of decisional balance and self-efficacy, followed by junior high school students at the maintenance stage and junior high school students at the contemplation/preparation stage ,and finally junior high school students at the precontemplation stage. The scores of cons of decisional balance show great similarities in all stages. Both male and female junior high school students hold positive attitudes towards rejecting secondhand smoke. The higher levels of parent educational attainment, the more positive opinions students hold against rejecting secondhand smoke. Students who have never smoked have more positive opinions on the factors of rejecting secondhand smoke. Students who do not live with smokers have more positive opinions on the factors of rejecting secondhand smoke. Students whose friends do not smoke have more positive opinions on the factors of rejecting secondhand smoke. In other words, no matter what their gender is, participants whose parents have higher level of educational attainment, participants who are nonsmokers, participants who do not live with smokers, and participants whose friends do not smoke all have more positive opinions on the factors of rejecting secondhand smoke. Conclusion:The study supports the application of the transtheoretical model in the rejecting secondhand smoke in junior high school students. With the increase of knowledge, the use of processes of change, decisional balance, and self-efficacy, junior high school students will be able to place more emphasis on preventing secondhand smoke.


