  • 學位論文


Peaceful Soliloquy - A Study of Lai Chien Hua’s Art Creation

指導教授 : 朱友意


在繁忙喧囂的世道中,拜科技與網路發達之賜,人們主動或被迫吸收了龐大的訊息量,因此寧靜時光對人類來說愈顯彌足珍貴。筆者在兢兢業業的謀生活動中,雖然獲得的經濟條件相對穩定,但日復一日的勞動,讓人生一直處於「輸出」的狀態。精細的分工法則下,筆者逐漸專精於某些領域,但就另個層面來講,其實是種學習領域的限縮,思想越來越趨於單一。加上經年累月的壓力累積,身體雖然經過休息,心靈仍隱隱覺得不夠。在這種忙碌急需被擱置的情況下,筆者選擇拿起畫筆,將紙上的天地作為避世之處。 本研究以筆者的生命狀態為出發點,風景畫為表現題材,自取材開始就選擇具有廣闊空間且無明顯透視引導的景色,經由構圖、色彩、明度等元素的安排將之變異成筆者內心的風貌,在深受感動的狀態下,透過借景抒情的手法創造出與風景對話的「獨白」。筆者的風景畫主要以平景式構圖展開,渲染出孤獨與疏離而後帶出一種心理嚮往的寧靜場域,對於筆者來說,創作是種學習孤獨的旅程,在過程中得以自我療癒。


平景式構圖 獨白 輸出


In our hectic world, developed technology and internet has forced us to absorb a gigantic amount of information whether willingly or not. For this reason, peacefulness has become increasingly precious. Although contributors receive a stable economic condition, laboring day after day makes life feel like under constant “output”. Under refined distribution of labor, contributors gradually evolve to being specialized at certain fields. From a different perspective, it is actually a shrinking of learning fields, with our mental thoughts becoming increasingly linear. Factoring in the accumulated stress over months and years, the mind does not get enough rest even if the body does. Under this hectic situation in dire need of a pause, contributors choose instead to lift their pens, use the world of writing and fiction as a secluded harbor from the outside world. This research uses the contributor’s life stats as the starting point and uses landscape paintings as tools of display material. Beginning with the material selection of landscapes with vast spaces and indistinct perspective guidance, the arrangement of composition, color, brightness etc., has changed it to the appearance of the contributor’s internal mind. The scenery is used to portray a deeply emotional “soliloquy” with the landscape. The contributor mainly uses flat landscape composition to exhibit a sense of yearn for peacefulness after being alone and secluded. For the contributor, art creation is a lonely journey of learning, which provides self-healing in the process.


Flat landscape composition Soliloquy Output


一、 中文書目
1. 朱光潛,《文藝心理學》,臺北:開明,1973。
2. 江奕穎 編著,《黃銘昌:一方心田》,臺北:北市美術館,2012。
3. 何政廣 編著,《魏斯》,臺北:藝術家,1996。
4. 陳仲光 編著,《攝影構圖賞析》,中國:廣西美術出版社,1999。
