  • 學位論文

橋段人生 & 異想之境—沈維君繪畫創作研究

The Fantasy of Daily Landscape & Bridge — The Creations of Painting Discourse by Wei-Chun Shen

指導教授 : 王瓊麗


本研究主要透過每天上下班沿途的橋樑風貌與想像物件的關聯,探討內心思維與奇幻聯想和日常生活中常見景象的關係。以橋樑作為主要的表現題材載體,透過對城市、橋樑等題材的研究,紀錄、描繪、再現等方式加上馬戲團裡某些天馬行空的想像實踐創作,進而回歸到內心的初衷。 文中以都市橋樑和馬戲團作為主要描繪的對象,搭配筆者天馬行空的腳本,企圖營造出詼諧、詭譎的畫面空間,形成了超現實的場景。在研究異托邦的空間和後現代虛實的關聯性後,整理一個創作的方向,並用具象的描繪手法去拼湊出這虛構、荒誕的人生舞台劇。期望能用魔幻寫實的方式來幽默面對日常生活的情感或無奈,並為內心找尋一個宣洩的窗口。 最後,在文章結論中,將針對創作實踐過程做檢討。並期許個人在未來的創作上能廣泛涉獵新地域或是新知,使作品呈現多元樣貌,並增加其內容的深度與故事性,期待自己獨特的創作能和觀者引起共鳴與回應。


This study mainly explores the relationships between daily landscape, inner thoughts and fantasy associations in daily life through the inspiration from bridge style and imaginative objects during the commute between work and home every day. The bridge is one of the main performance themes. Through the practice of research, records, depiction and image reproduction on the topic of city, bridges and unrestrained imagination, author could revisit inner feelings and intention. The city bridge and the circus are the main object of the painting for the thesis. With unconstrained creative power, the artist makes up a weird and crafty space to form the surreal scene. After analyzing the connection between the illusionary space and the postmodern illusion theater, the author expresses this fictional and absurd life stage drama in figurative or realistic manner. Hope to be able to use creative ways and sense of humor to face the emotions of daily life or helplessness, and to release the catharsis from the daily life. In conclusion, the author will re-examine the process of creation artwork, and expect to progress the creation of painting by explore new daily landscape or new knowledge to make the work more diverse and increase the depth of its contents. Hopes its own unique artwork can cause the resonance and response from the viewer.


Bridge Alienation Heterotopia Surrealism Magic realism


2.何政廣編,《塞尚=Paul Cezannew》,台北: 藝術家出版社,2010年。
