  • 學位論文


Effect Of Teaching Programs Of Creating Picture Books For Preschool Children's Creativity.

指導教授 : 潘裕豐


摘 要 本研究旨在探討繪本創作教學方案對幼兒圖形創造力與語文創造力的影響,以及幼兒繪本創作之表現。 本研究採準實驗研究法,研究者將手製繪本創作結合問想做評創造思考教學模式及教學策略:自由聯想策略、腦力激盪策略、合成策略、查核表思考術策略等,編擬一套適合幼兒的繪本創作教學方案進行實驗教學;並以質性資料蒐集輔之。研究對象為桃園市某公立幼兒園四至六歲25位幼兒,以立意取樣選取實驗組及控制組:實驗組13人,實施繪本創作教學方案,每週兩次共八週,每次八十分鐘。控制組12人,進行原訂主題教學「Hi數學」,未接受實驗處理。本研究之研究工具為台北市政府教育局編製的「幼兒創造力測驗」、自編「繪本創作表現評析表」,採單因子共變數分析進行假設考驗,並輔以教學紀錄及繪本創作作品等質性資料進行描述與詮釋。 研究結果實驗組在「語文創造力測驗」之語文流暢力優於控制組;變通力及獨創力部分優於控制組,因在分測驗「問題解決」的獨創力及「提出問題」的變通力未達顯著標準,以質性資料輔助證明。在「圖形創造力測驗」之變通力、獨創力得分顯著優於控制組;惟流暢力受限測驗設計,未達顯著水準,以質性資料,輔助證明。在「繪本創作表現評析」之實驗組得分顯著優於控制組,組內後測得分顯著優於前測得分。 質性方面,研究者分析教學紀錄和作品,幼兒在創造力的表現:一、擴散性思考的問題及活動,提升流暢力。二、由做中學,思考解決問題及實現想法的方法,展現變通力。三、完成創作的成就感與自信,鼓舞幼兒勇於嘗試,提升獨創力。四、創作經驗的累積,增進觀察力及表達能力,提升精進力。五、作品與學習單展現出幼兒的創造力;在繪本創作的表現:一、故事情節編排緊扣主題,前後連貫具,具流暢性。二、依照繪本主題,創作與主題有關,符合故事情節的圖像內容。三、文字敘述與圖畫呼應,描述故事情節,前後連貫有邏輯性。四、自由愉快的創作經驗,讓幼兒愛上繪本創作。


Abstract This study was investigating how the teaching program of creating picture books influences children's creativities of graphic and language.Children's ability of creating picture book was observed simultaneously. The experimental setting was based on guasi-experimental research design. The suitable teaching program was designel in accordance with the structure of creactive thinking teaching mode.The mode included four parts:asking、thinking、doing , and evaluation. Qualitative informations waa used to supplement describing the results. The observed members were 25 children in public kindergarten in Tauyuan City. Age region was 4 to 6 years old. Experimental group included 13 children and controlled group was 12. Experimental group went through with the program of creating picture book. Test period was 8 weeks, 80 minutes for each and twice a week. Controlled group carried out original schedule. The evaluation items wewrefrom “test of children’s creativity” and “evaluation form of creating picture book” edited by Department of Education, Taipei City Government. Results were analyzed by ANCOVA (Analysis oc Covariance). Other qualitative informations, like teaching record and picture books from children, could supplement detail description during the test period. Results shows that tested group is better than controlled one in language expression, flexibility and self-creativity in problems. Although the index of self-creativity and flexibility are not significant, qualitative information and analysis could still prove it is workable. In performance of creating a picture book, tested group is still better than controlled one. After the course, tested group’s performance is better than previous. Qualitatively, the improved items of children’s creativity are as below: 1.It makes children’s thinking spreadable by some issues and activities. 2.Learning via doing: try to solve problems and achieve target. 3.Self-confidence encourages children to try and improve creativity. 4.Improves perception and thinking by experience. In creating a picture book, children’s creativity and abilities are increased by following signals: 1.The stories created by children are smooth. 2.Children can figure pictures relating to story closely. 3.It is more logical to descript a story by phraseology and pictures. 4.Free and comfortable experience feed back to children and encourage them to try another creating work.


文建會兒童文化館(2006)。繪本真有趣。2012 年 2 月 12 日,取自:http:// children.moc.gov.tw/ 王文君(2008)。
