  • 學位論文


The Learning Effect of Computer-Assisted Visual Mnemonics of Logographic Characters for Native English Speakers

指導教授 : 陳學志


本研究目的在探討圖像性創意學習策略對CFL(Chinese as a Foreign Language,簡稱CFL;意指以華語為外語)初學者之漢字學習成效。過去的研究指出,即使漢字的視覺複雜度高且形音對應不良,但透過強化形義的聯結仍有助於提升漢字識寫表現。然而,現有研究在教學面,大多未能善用某些漢字具圖像性的特點,且未能結合多媒體發展教學策略;在評量面,也極少採用多元的計分方式。若能綜合地考量上述要點,將有助於擴展以圖像性創意學習策略與多媒體輔助漢字學習相關研究之深度與廣度。本研究之實驗設計為3×2×3之全受試者內設計,操弄的三個獨變項為:學習策略(字源動畫法、創意鍵接圖動畫法與筆順動畫法)、漢字複雜度(低複雜度與高複雜度)、測驗時間點(立即測、後測與延宕後測);依變項為學習者在「字義識記作業」與「字形書寫作業」的表現。研究對象為27位美國大學生,需先經前測確認未受過正式的華語教學。每位參與者需學習48個漢字,使用一種學習策略學習16個漢字,其中8個字為低複雜度(平均為4筆畫),8個字為高複雜度(平均為8.25筆畫);學習策略採用拉丁方格排列,故每位參與者使用之策略順序不同。測驗時程分立即測(當天)、後測(隔天)及延宕後測(一週後)。研究結果發現:一、字義識記作業部分,未見三因子交互作用效果,但學習策略與漢字複雜度之交互作用顯著:對於學習低複雜度的字,創意鍵接圖動畫法與字源動畫法皆優於筆順動畫法;對於學習高複雜度的字,創意鍵接圖動畫法最佳。二、字形書寫作業部分,分為整字與筆畫兩種計分方式,研究結果未見三因子交互作用,也未見其他二因子交互作用。學習策略部分,兩種計分方式都僅顯現學習策略之主要效果。整字計分之主要效果:創意鍵接圖動畫法優於字源動畫法與筆順動畫法;筆畫計分之主要效果:創意鍵接圖動畫法優於字源動畫法且優於筆順動畫法。筆畫計分較整字計分更能精準地測量初學者書寫漢字的表現。三、不同學習策略的效果雖因作業形式和計分方式略有不同,但有圖像性學習優於筆順學習之趨勢,且以創意鍵接圖動畫法的效果最佳。最後本研究根據研究結果針對創意圖像漢字學習的未來研究與教學實務提出建議。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the learning effect of Chinese as a foreign language learners when using computer-assisted visual mnemonics. Participants was 27 adult native English speakers who had not taken any Chinese course in high school or university. A 3 ×2 × 3 repeated measures design was used. The independent variables was learning method (etymology, Key-image picture mnemonic, and stroke animation), character complexity (high and low), and testing point (immediate test, posttest, and delayed test). The dependent variables was participants’ responses (e.g., accuracy rates and writing responses) in several recognition and reproduction tasks. Forty-eight characters was selected from the Chinese Orthography Database (Chen, Chang, Chiou, Sung, and Chang, 2011). As these 48 characters was divided into different learning sessions, they was matched by several linguistic characteristics of language. Participants learned 16 characters in each condition; a Latin square design was used to balance the condition order such that, after all three sessions, all participants experienced each learning method, but on different sessions for different characters. The results of the study were that, firstly, for the performance measures, key-image consistently led to superior effects in recognizing and reproducing character forms. Secondly, in the form-meaning recognition task, key-image yielded the best recognition for high-complexity characters and it benefited recognition equally well as etymology for low-complexity characters. Thirdly, in the form reproduction task, no matter how complex the characters were, key-image outperformed the other two methods, and while using the stroke soring scheme, the difference patterns on method became clearer than using the character scoring scheme. Finally, according to the study, recommendations for improving Chinese character learning and teaching techniques were addressed.


