  • 學位論文


Goal Achievement Motivation relevant to Perceived Usefulness and Ease of Comprehension of Entrepreneurship Courses that Affect Intention to Start-Up Business Mediated by Attitude towards Attending Classes of Entrepreneurship

指導教授 : 洪榮昭


本研究主要目的為探討(1)參加創業課程學生的「創業課程易理解性」及「創業課程認知有用性」對「參加創業課程態度」及「創業意圖」之影響,及(2)「個人成就動機」、「參加創業課程態度」及「創業意圖」之相關性。本研究依循理性行為理論TRA、計畫行為理論TPB、科技接受模式TAM的發展模式,建構一個創業課程接受模式AMEC(acceptance model of entrepreneurship courses),並以個人成就動機做為外部變項,以發展出符合研究目的之研究工具。 本研究以結構式問卷調查臺灣地區參加創業課程學生,共完成316份有效問卷。研究結果發現:個人成就動機會正向影響創業課程易理解性與創業課程認知有用性、創業課程易理解性會正向影響創業課程認知有用性與參加創業課程態度、創業課程認知有用性亦對參加創業課程態度有正向的影響,而參加創業課程態度與創業意圖間存在正向關聯。此外,我們亦發現創業課程易理解性對參加創業課程態度的相關性高於創業課程認知有用性。根據研究結果,我們建議:學校應同時提升創業課程的認知有用性與易理解性,並激發學生的個人成就動機,以有效提升學生的正向參加態度與創業意圖。


There are already documents where you can find how to teach entrepreneurship, why teach it, what to teach and how; but, to date, it does not exist a specific measurement with targets and indicators for the assessments of value related to entrepreneurship education programs. The aim of this research was to explore: (1) the potential impact of perceived usefulness and ease of comprehension entrepreneurship courses on attitude towards attending classes of entrepreneurship and intention to start up business, and (2) the correlates between goal achievement motivation, attitude towards enrolling entrepreneurship courses and intention to start up business. By adapting technology acceptance model and extending variable of individual characteristics (i.e., goal achievement motivation), this study designed an acceptance model of entrepreneurship courses to test and verify research model. Unviversity students who took or enrolling in entrepreneurship courses were targeted for this study. There were 316 useful questionnaires were returned in Taiwan. The results of this study indicated that goal achievement motivation was positively related to perceived ease of comprehension and perceived usefulness of entrepreneurship courses. Both perceptions on ease of comprehension and usefulness of entrepreneurship courses were positively related to attitude towards attending classes of entrepreneurship. Also, attitude towards attending classes of entrepreneurship was positively related to intention to start-up business. Furthermore, the effect of perceived ease of comprehension on entrepreneurship courses related to attitude towards attending classes of entrepreneurship was bigger than that of perceived usefulness of entrepreneurship courses. It is thus recommended that the schools need to attract the students with classes of entrepreneurship easy to comprehension and usefulness. Meanwhile, it would also be helpful to stimulate students’ goal achievement motivation to enhance the positive attitude towards attending classes of entrepreneurship and intention to start up business.


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