  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 楊梓楣 洪聰敏


在網球訓練過程中,大都以訓練技能、體能、戰略應用為主,但很多研究指出心理技能對網球表現也非常重要。然而教練在訓練課表中通常以技術為主,對於選手的心理技能培養,與能否接受專業運動心理諮詢,這都要端看教練對運動心理諮詢的態度。因此,本研究目的主要是探討網球教練對運動心理諮詢的態度,以瞭解這態度會如何促進或妨礙運動員對運動心理諮詢的使用。研究工具為「教練對運動心理諮詢的態度」問卷,總共發放150份問卷 (其中男性119人、女性31人) ,分析不同背景變項的網球教練使用運動心理諮詢的現況和態度及對未來使用運動心理諮詢的期望。結果如下:一、教練們在過去12個月內,有曾尋求相關運動心理資訊的佔21.3%;二、曾有跟運動心理諮詢師一起工作的佔8%;三、運動心理諮詢師曾跟團隊或運動員合作的佔46.6%;四、都期望能有免費資源來使用運動心理諮詢。綜上所述,目前跟運動心理諮詢師合作的教練還是佔少數比例,由此可見,增加團隊經費補助、提高運動心理諮詢相關的教育與介入成效,可能能增加教練們主動尋求相關運動心理資訊使用的意願。


專注力 自信心 壓力調適


Current training on tennis mostly focuses on techniques, physical strengths, and strategic application. However, many studies have pointed out that mental skills are also crucial to a player’s performance. But still, practical techniques have been the main focuses in the process of tennis training, and it is the coach’s choice of whether the students acquire professional psychological consultation and practice. This research investigates tennis coaches’ attitudes toward psychological consultations, in order to understand if the different attitudes will positively or negatively affect the players’ performances. Entitled “ (Coaches’ Attitudes Toward Sport Psychology Consultation) ,” the research questionnaires are distributed.to total 150 interviewees which including 119 males and 31 females. I then analyze the using status, current attitudes and expectations in sport psychology consultation of different background coaches. According to my analysis, 21.3% of the interviewed coaches sought psychological consultations in the past twelve months. Second, 8% of the research targets have had experiences working with counseling psychologists in sports. Third, 46.6% of the interviewed counseling psychologists have had experiences working with athletes and sports teams; and lastly, all the collected feedbacks indicate that it would be great to have free counseling resources. In sum, there are currently few collaborations between coaches and sports counseling psychologists. Its suggest that increasing a team's financial subsidies and calling attention for the necessity in psychological counseling may increase the willingness of coaches to actively seek relevant sports psychology information.


attention self-confidence stress management


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