  • 學位論文


Kinematic Analysis of Approach Last Step and Tack-off Phase of Female Long Jump

指導教授 : 黃長福


目的:本研究目的在透過女子跳遠選手的技術特徵進行運動學分析,探討各階段的運動學參數和技術特點,為改善女子跳遠技術,提升訓練和教學效果的參考依據。方法:利用240Hz高速攝影機進行拍攝,以106年新北市全國青年盃田徑錦標賽女子跳遠決賽八名選手為受試者,所得的影像資料藉由Kwon 3D動作分析系統進行數位化,並使用該軟體內建之人體肢段參數,將原始資料使用Butterworth濾波修勻 (6Hz) ,進一步計算跨步距離、踏板時間、起跳階段之運動表現。最後將各項資料以描述性統計進行計算平均數與標準差,以獨立樣本t考驗探討前四名與後四名兩組之間各項運動學參數的差異,再使用皮爾遜積差相關分別瞭解各項運動學參數與官方成績、有效成績之相關性,顯著水準為α = .05。結果:本研究結果發現,前四名與後四名在跨步距離、踏板時間、踏板瞬間水平速度、踏板瞬間垂直速度、起跳瞬間水平速度、起跳瞬間垂直速度、起跳瞬間重心合速度、起跳瞬間重心角度、起跳瞬間重心高度並未有差異,僅跳遠成績達顯著差異;此外,起跳瞬間水平速度、起跳瞬間重心合速度與官方成績達顯著正相關。結論:前四名與後四名成績表現有差異性存在,但動作技術特徵卻相似,故可透過修正各環節動作技術,以提升運動成績表現。


This study conducted a kinematical analysis was of the female long jumpers and characteristics in each jump for provide a reference for traning and teaching of female long jump. A 240 Hz high-speed camera be used to record the motion of eight female long jump athletes in the final game of 106 New Taipei City National Youth Cup Track and Field Championships. A body model consisting for 14 segments and 21 markers of two-dimensional analysis of the motion video was performed. The raw data was smoothed using Butterworth filter (6 Hz) to further calculate the performance of the stride distance, pedal time, and take-off phase. The independent sample was used to test the differences between the kinematic parameters between the top four and the last four groups, and then use the Pearson product difference. Understand the correlation between various kinematic parameters and official and effective results, with a significant level of α = .05. The results of this study found that no difference was found on the top four and the last four were in the stride distance, touch-down time, touch-down horizontal velocity, touch-down vertical velocity, take-off horizontal velocity, take-off vertical velocity, body CG angle and height at take-off. The only significant difference is the jump distance between the two groups. In addition, the horizontal and resultant of body CG at take-off are significantly positively correlated with the official jumping distance. Conclusion: There are differences in performance between the top four and the bottom four, but the characteristics of motor skills are similar. Therefore, the performance of athletic performance can be improved by modifying the skills of each link.


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