  • 學位論文


A Study of Tourism Attraction, Well-being and Willingness to Revisit of Southeast Asian Tourists to the Hot Spring Area –A Case Study of the Xinbeitou Hot Spring Area

指導教授 : 朱文增


本研究主旨是為了瞭解東南亞地區的來臺旅遊主要市場─新加坡及馬來西亞旅客前來新北投溫泉區旅遊的旅客特性、旅遊特性、新北投溫泉區之觀光吸引力、旅遊的幸福感及重遊意願,並且進一步探討觀光吸引力與幸福感、幸福感與重遊意願、觀光吸引力與重遊意願,以及觀光吸引力與幸福感對重遊意願之影響情形。 研究正式問卷於 2018年12月20日至2019年3月31日進行發放,有效回收391份。研究結果為受訪樣本的馬來西亞旅客多於新加坡旅客、女性多於男性、年齡20~29歲居多、婚姻狀況為「已婚」者居多、年收入以39,999元以下(美金)占大多數及旅客職業則以「專業人員」最多。受訪旅客大多為第一次來臺、第一次來新北投溫泉區,至新北投溫泉區為行程中第1晚,以停留1夜居多。旅遊型態以自由行為主,大部份與朋友或配偶二人旅遊,喜歡透過網路搜尋旅遊訊息。大多數人搭乘捷運至新北投溫泉區,前來新北投溫泉區觀光的主要原因是溫泉,以參加過「泡溫泉」者居多;以參觀過「地熱谷」者居多。對於新北投溫泉區的觀光吸引力以「溫泉服務設施」、「自然、文化資源」構面得分最高、幸福感則以「令人心情愉悅」題項分數最高、重遊意願則以「我會推薦親友來新北投溫泉區旅遊」題項分數最高。觀光吸引力對幸福感呈現高度正相關、觀光吸引力對重遊意願之間亦呈現中度正相關、幸福感對重遊意願存在高度正相關,觀光吸引力、幸福感和重遊意願三者之間皆存在高度正相關及高度預測能力。


The study aims at learning the traveler characteristics, travel characteristics, and the tourism attraction, well-being and willingness to revisit of Singaporean and Malaysian travellers to visit the Xinbeitou Hot Spring area . Furthermore, investigating the impact of the tourism attraction to well-being, tourism attraction to willingness to revisit, well-being to willingness to revisit, tourism attractiveness and well-being to willingness to revisit. The questionnaires were issued from December 20, 2018 to March 31, 2019. 391 copies of the questionnaire were effectively recovered. The results showed that the sample is more Malaysian tourists than Singaporeans, more women than men, mostly aged 20-29, the majority of "married" marital status, the majority of annual income of less than $39,999 (USDollar) and the main occupation is「professional」. The first time the tourists came to Taiwan and the Xinbeitou Hot Springs area. Most of the nightstays’ the first night of the trip is to Xinbeitou Hot Spring area , where the majority of the stay is 1 night. Free travel type is the main, most of the travelers like two-people travel with their friends or spouse and enjoy the trip through the internet for information. Most people take the MRT to Xinbeitou Hot Spring area and the travel main reason is hot spring. The majority of those who have participated in " Soaking in hot spring ";the majority of those who have visited " Thermal Valley ". For the tourism attraction of the Xinbeitou Hot Spring area,the highest score of the dimension of tourism attraction were「hot spring and service facilities」and 「natural and cultural resources」, the highest score of the question of well-being was 「I am pleased」, and the highest score of the question of willingness to revisit was「I would recommend my friends and relatives to visit the Xinbeitou Hot Spring area」. The dimension of tourism attraction is highly positively correlated to happiness, the dimension of tourism attraction also shows a moderate positive correlation between the willingness to revisit, and happiness has a high positive correlation between the willingness to revisit. The relationship between the tourism attraction,well-being and willingness to revisit are positive correlation as well as the effect were significant and has a high forecast.


Buss, D. M. (2000). The evolution of happiness. American Psychologist, 55(1), 15-23.
中華民國外交部(2010)。「東南亞國家協會」(The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN)背景資料。取自https://www.mofa.gov.tw/News_Content.aspx?n=052449DD01A26E24&sms=DF52F83A5B7D2A47&s=D32605DEE23FC665
