  • 學位論文


Research on the Construction of Behavioral Indicators of Performance Management by ZMET method

指導教授 : 蕭顯勝 康雅菁


績效的本質是為了提高員工能力並確認員工與企業具有共同長成的意願,而績效評估行為指標建構是為了提升員工能力,且著重在員工發展 以提供企業管理手段參考。當員工有意願增加自我能力的同時,員工會因對企業的認同感而影響其行為表現,故透過創新、分享及主動積極行為表現,讓組織內部及跨部門的效益持續不斷成長。 依企業 短、中、長期策略目標與績效評估進行連結本研究嘗試以消 費者行為模式探討績效評估行為指標的制度與作法,當員工對於績效評估 關注增加時,員工對績效評估與行為指標兩者之間的認同感,會落實在展 開年度計畫及實施行動方案上促使員工發掘潛在優勢並找出隱藏問題以強健企業管理效能。 本研究係應用隱喻抽取技術ZMET於人力資源領域,探討績效評估行為指標建構為重點,研究對象以對績效評估行為指標感受關注高的國際業 務部門員工為受訪樣本,依文獻探討以文件分析等方法將績效評估構面分為任務性績效、脈絡性績效及適應性績效三構面,並以隱喻抽取技術進行 訪談 資料蒐集,進而產生共識地圖並採方法目的鏈進行歸納分析績效評估行為指標建構結果 。 本研究結果提供企業實務管理建議,並作為員工行為指標建構優化進程,將績效評估項目搭配員工認知,期以提升員工溝通、解決問題與團隊合作能力,更須定期重新檢視企業目標與個人績效之連結度,落實行為表現列入績效評估內,將員工思維決策及組織公民行為效益發揮最大,並持續應用在績效評估行為指標建構,以落實創新、分享與主動積極行為之衡量。


The essence of performance is to elevate the willingness of employees to grow together with the company for a sustainable development. And the main purpose to build up the performance appraisal is to improve the employees’ capabilities and focus on their development, and also for the reference of company management. While employees’ willingness and ability have increased, they are connected to the organizational commitment. Therefore, through the innovation, initiative and sharing of behaviors, the performance of the inter department within the organization continue s to grow. We use the consumer behavior model and the short --, medium --, and long term strategic goals of the company to investigate the system and practice of performance evaluation behavior indicators. When employees pay more attention to performance appraisal, it raises their sense of identity between their performance and behavior. And then through the annual plan and implementation of course of action to explore the potential advantages and identify hidden problems to strengthen the company’s management effectiveness. This research is based on the method of Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) in human resource field, focusing on performance evaluation and construction behavior indicators. The research objects are the employees of an interna tional business department who concern highly over the performance evaluation. Through documentary research to analysis the documents to obtain the performance evaluation. It includes three main facets of task performance, contextual performance and adapti ve performance. The metaphor extraction technique is used to assist in the collection of interview data to explore the cognitive consensus map of performance evaluation constructing behavior indicators, and to summarize, analyze and construct behavioral as sessment indicators by Means End Chain. The research results provide case company practical management advice as a method for constructing employee behavior indicators, and design performance appraisal projects with employees’ cognition to improve the empl oyees’ communication, problem solving and teamwork. Regularly re-examine the connection between the company's goals and individual performance, including behavioral performance in performance appraisal, to maximize the effectiveness of employees’ thinking decisions and organizational citizenship behaviors; continuous applying optimized performance appraisal to evaluate and measure employees’ innovation, initiative and sharing behavior.


