  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Teacher-Counselors’ Participation in Interpersonal Process Group Supervision

指導教授 : 田秀蘭


本研究旨在探討輔導教師參與人際歷程取向治療團體督導之經驗。本研究採立意取樣,參與者為 12 位來自台北市各國中自願接受督導的輔導教師、輔導組長與輔導主任,分享他們參與團體督導中的經驗,以及對他們的輔導工作與個人生活的影響,其年齡介於 28 到 62 歲之間,輔導年資則介於 1 到 23 年之間,而平均輔導年資約為 7 年。研究取向為質性研究之現象學,採半結構深度個別訪談的設計,每次訪談約 1.5 到 2 小時。訪談過後,將訪談資料整理為 12 份教師之經驗文本,並採用現象學分析方法進行資料分析,針對資料的信度,則採用受訪者與協同分析者的三角驗證程序進行。   研究結果發現,輔導教師在參與團體督導之經驗可分析並匯聚成六個核心主題,分別為:(1)專業知能的補給站(2)安全避風港(3)安全堡壘(4)日常生活中的反芻(5)修復性互動經驗的移出:學校輔導工作(6)修復性互動經驗的移出:個人生活。本研究根據研究結果,討論輔導教師參與人際歷程取向治療團體督導之經驗、人際歷程取向治療之團體督導對輔導教師在學校輔導工作及個人生活中的影響,並針對人際歷程取向治療之團體督導模式進行討論。 最後,本研究依據上述發現,提出對輔導教師之團體督導實務相關訓練與制度上的建議,並提出某些資料尚未充足的部分,供未來的研究者作為參考。


This study aims to explore the experience of teacher-counselors involved in interpersonal process group supervision. Twelve teacher-counselors from Taipei City participated in this study, including teacher-counselors, counseling section chiefs and a counseling director. These participants shared their experience in the process of group supervision and the influences of school guidance work as well as their personal life. Their ages range from 28 to 62 and their counseling credit are within 1 to 23 years, and the average of their counseling credit is 7 years. A phenomenological oriented qualitative method was used through a semi-structure in-depth interview on twelve participants. Each of them was interviewed for 1 to 1.5 hours. The data was collected and summarized into 12 transcripts, and was analyzed through phenomenological analysis process. A triangulation method that involved both the co-rater and the participants was employed to ensure the validity of this study. Results of this study showed that teacher-counselors’ experience in group supervision process could be categorized into six themes, inclusive of: (1) professional knowledge supplying station; (2) safe haven; (3) security base; (4) reflection on daily life; (5) corrective experience in school guidance work; (6) corrective experience in personal life. In addition to the above-mentioned, this study tried to discuss teacher-counselors’ experience in interpersonal process group supervision and how this experience has influenced their school guidance work as well as their personal life. This study also tried to look into the mode of interpersonal process group supervision. Finally, based on the results of this study, the researcher provides suggestions to the authorities of teacher-counselors’ group supervision for future training, and brings up some data which might be insufficient at present for further studies.


