  • 學位論文


Variations of Chinese Garden Transformation-Chou Shuan's Creation Discussion

指導教授 : 程代勒


繪畫是一件可令人心情愉悅的事情,是一種享受且可達到一種忘我的境界,繪畫樂在其中的心境是無法用語言直接表達,當拿起繪畫的畫筆時,你可以毫無忌憚,描繪自己所喜歡的或是不喜歡的事物,用不同的色彩來點綴你所想要表達的世界,繪畫不是一件功利的事,但它可以帶給人成就、開心及肯定,繪畫的過程中,那般享受快樂喜悅的心情,只有繪畫當事者才能體會,真是盡在不言之中。 中國的繪畫題材是取之大自然日常生活裡,而在儒家社會裡最早時期活躍的是人物畫,則受道家觀點和思想所激發而興起了山水畫,中國山水畫尋求自然之美,講的是「與自然合一」,最早流行在南北朝時期一批道家詩人和畫家之間。他們深思人的情緒如何對自然聲光反應,這些詩人和畫家當有所啟發之後而訴之於藝術創作。這樣就使原始自然帶給早期道家的負面性誘惑--從人類社會中脫身出來--添加了一層正面價值。早期畫家曾經把山水用作人物畫的附屬背景;第四、五世紀,山水畫開始獨立存在。 中國古代建築藝術的門類豐富多彩,成就最高的恐怕是園林藝術了,早期的皇家園林或私家園林都是借景、造景而來的,如今現代社會變遷逐漸由園林發展轉換為國家公園和社區公園也是運用自然景觀和美學的特徵充分展示出來,如現代的公園景觀設計也是依「法天地,師造化」,「雖由人作,宛自天開」是中國傳統園林的寫照和精神追求。 在中國傳統園林的文化及環境意識裡,強調依循循自然法則方式,順其自然,融入自然,力求模仿與再創造自然,貫徹達成天人和諧之道,從而融合「天人合一」的居住觀,使人與自然更能和諧相處。因此文化的養分來自於人與人、人與環境之間濃密而深入的溝通和相處。 跟隨著時代社會的不斷進步,「人性」和「人道」則為人們所重視與研究的課題,「以人為本」的觀念,已經滲透到各個社會的領域了。當前,社區或區域公園景觀環境設計越來越使人們的重視,其根本目的,是為生活在城市的人(包括老人、兒童和行動不便者)服務的,位的展現生活環境的品質,又要體現「以人為本」的設計宗旨。在行為安全上,視覺愉悅上,舒適的心理上,使用便利上等,都是構成現代公園設計基本原則,當然公園的景觀設計內容包括植物配置、花壇式樣、草坪形狀、植物模紋、雕塑小品、園林石配置等等。其主目的是為提供居民健康、舒適生活環境,創造生態及新穎的室內外休憩和活動場所。因此公園是成為人們生活休閒重要一環。


中式園林 公園 自然公園


Painting is a pleasant thing, it is a kind of enjoyment and can reach a state of ecstasy. The state of mind in which painting is happy cannot be expressed directly in language. When you pick up the painting brush, you can use it to describe what you like or dislike, and use different colors to decorate the world you think of. Painting is not a utilitarian thing, but it can bring people achievement, happiness and affirmation. Painting in the process of enjoying the joy, only the painting party can experience it. The subject matter of Chinese painting is taken from the daily life of nature, while the earliest active figure in Confucian society was figure painting, which was inspired by Taoist viewpoints and ideas was landscape painting. Chinese landscape painting seeks the beauty of nature. "Natural union" was first popular among a group of Taoist poets and painters during the Southern and Northern Dynasties. They ponder how people's emotions react to the sound and light of nature. These poets and painters should be inspired by artistic creation. This adds a layer of positive value to the negative temptation that primitive nature brought to the early Taoists from being out of human society. Early painters used landscapes as an auxiliary background for figure paintings: In the fourth and fifth centuries, landscape paintings began to exist independently. The categories of ancient Chinese architectural art are rich and colorful. Perhaps the highest achievement is garden art. The early royal gardens or private gardens They are all borrowed from the landscape, and the landscape is built. Nowadays, the modern society has gradually changed from national forest development to national parks and community parks. It is also fully demonstrated using the characteristics of natural landscapes and aesthetics. For example, the modern park landscape design is also based on "Fatiandi" "Teaching to be master", "Although it is made by people, it is natural" is the portrayal and spirit of traditional Chinese gardens. In the cultural and environmental consciousness of traditional Chinese gardens, it is emphasized to follow the laws of nature, follow the natural way, integrate nature with people, strive to imitate and recreate nature, and achieve the path of harmony between heaven and man, so as to integrate the "unity of heaven and man" The concept of living makes people and nature get along more harmoniously. Therefore, the nutrients of culture come from people and people, and people and environment communicate and get along with each other. With the continuous progress of the society of the times, "humanity" are the courses that people value and study. The question, "People-oriented" concept, has penetrated into various fields of society. At present, the landscape environment design of community or regional parks is attracting more and more attention. Its fundamental purpose is to serve people living in the city (including the elderly, children and people with reduced mobility), to show the quality of the living environment, and To embody the design tenet of "People First". Behavioral safety, visual pleasure, comfortable psychology, and ease of use are the basic principles of modern park design. Of course, the landscape design of the park includes plant configuration, flower bed style, lawn shape, plant pattern, sculpture sketch , Garden stone configuration, etc. Its main purpose is to provide residents with a healthy and comfortable living environment, and to create ecological and novel indoor and outdoor recreation and activity venues. Therefore, the park is an important part of people's life and leisure.


(明)計成 《園冶》,見張家驥,《園冶全釋》,大原,山西古籍出版社,2002年
曾宇、王乃香,《巴蜀園林藝術》, 天津大學出版社,2000
陳從周著,《 園林叢談》,明文書局股份有限公司,中華民國七十二年八月出版
