  • 學位論文

Virtual Reality產品購買決策之關鍵因素

The key factors of Virtual Reality product purchase decision

指導教授 : 吳彥濬


Virtual Reality(虛擬實境:簡稱為VR)是透過特殊的使用者介面讓參與大眾進入虛擬世界中,多種的感官體驗諸如視覺效果、聽覺、嗅覺、乃至於身體感受等。科技界認為2016年謂為VR元年,VR的熱潮帶動了頭盔等穿戴設備及周邊裝置的快速發展,大小廠商爭相搶占市場大餅。因而,本研究將採用AHP層級分析法,使用隨機採樣方式對不同年齡、性別與職業之使用者進行問卷調查,問卷中將影響VR產品購買決策之關鍵因素分析分為四個層面,分別為VR系統等級、購買VR的行銷、應用內容類型以及VR設備使用方便性等四個層面來進行各構面因素之比較評估,並探討消費者對VR產品之選購類型與意願。 本論文與問卷的研究分析結果發現受訪者雖然對運算能力、產品價格、售後服務、知識學習、操作方便都很在意,但研究結果顯示使用者最需要的是可以在移動中使用VR;因此移動式的VR將成為未來之主流,這也跟大眾希望利用零碎時間及非固定空間進行VR相關應用有關。本研究可讓相關產業瞭解VR產品之趨勢,並進行市場策略與規劃時的重要參考。


VR (Virtual Reality), is a special interface for the user to get into virtual reality word, and have many kinds of sensory experience such as visual effects, hearing, smelling and even physical feelings. Science and technology industry quote that 2016 is the era of VR. In this study, we will use AHP analysis questionnaire to collect different age, gender and occupation of users to know the trends of VR products and the consumers' preferences. This essay contains four aspects which is VR system’s level, VR procument willingness, VR application content type, and conviences of usage about VR, to proceed each assessment of each aspects and factors, and discuss the choice of VR product type and willingness. The results of this questionnaire analysis and thesis shows the respondents are concerned about computing power, product price, after service, knowledge learning and usability; however, the most important demand is the user could moving around while playing the VR application, so the movable VR system will become the main trend in the future, this phenomenon is related to the majority wish to utilize the fragmented time and non-specific space to play the VR application. This study could offer the related sector of industry to understand the VR product trends, and planing of VR marketing strategy.


VR Virtual Reality VR device AHP


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